I created a xdp file and converted it into HTML using renderHTMLForm operation in workbench. Now I want to submit this HTML form to a servlet and extract the XML out of it.
I was able to submit it but the output is in some encoded format but not XML. Is there any way in which I can extract xml data from a HTML form at the click of a button?
Sample output which I got -
FSPAGENO_=0&FSPAGECOUNT_=2&FSFOCUS_=&FSCLICKEDBUTTON_=&FSINITIALIZED_= &firstName%5B0%5D=Alex&lastName%5B0%5D=Tim&Button1%5B0%5D=Button&textfield1%5B0%5D=&textfield2%5B0%5D=&FSAPPLICA TIONDATA_=H4sIAAAAAAAAAM1Yx87kSI6%2
B91MU%2FmuiSlLKN7p6IO%2BllE0pLwN576WUefrRX93VM7M7wOxxExAQDH5kMJgRJIO%2 F%2FW1vmy%2FvdJrLvvv%2BAX0DP76kXdwnZZd%2F%2F3Ad%2Fivx8bfff%2Fntb3sWfsn TLp3CpZ%2B%2Bf%2Fg8df878vGFekjeT2H4G%2FYNgkEMvpR8yuzJ8Ov1fblW6ObP0fePY lmGXwGgm