I'm trying to make a form, that picks the recipient depending which value a textfield has (dropdown value -> textfield)
Sounds really simple, hm?
But I'm having huge problems. The programm doesn't seem to like me at all .
//END OF DROPDOWN<event activity="change"> <script contentType="application/x-javascript"> if ( xfa.event.newText == Service1 || xfa.event.newText == Service 2 || xfa.event.newText == Service 3 || xfa.event.newText == Service 4 || { responsible.rawValue = Person1 } else { responsible.rawValue = Person2 } </script> </event>
<field h="15.0001mm" name="Supervisior" w="97.3mm" x="0.0024mm" y="215.5mm"> <event activity="exit"><script contentType="application/x-javascript">
if (responsible.rawValue == Person1) { document.getElementById('sendmail')[0].setAttribute(target, mailto:address1@provider.com); } else { document.getElementById('sendmail')[0].setAttribute (target, mailto:address2@studer.com); }</script></event></field> <field h="5.9993mm" name="mail2" presence="hidden" w="28.575mm" y="-0.0001mm"><event activity="click"><submit format="pdf" id="sendmail" textEncoding="UTF-8"/> // IN HERE I WANT THE TARGET ADDRESS</event></field>
Can someone help me with this problem?
Sorry about the code structure, but the syntax highlighting is a bit confusing in this forums.
I hope you can read it
Thanks in advance