Ok, I am really new to JavaScript and need as much help as I can get.
Ok, here's what I have: I have 10 drop boxes labeled HAZ1-HAZ10. In each drop box the user can choose 1.1 - 1.6. I also have 10 numeric fields labeled NEW1T - NEW10T. These numeric fields multiply the sum of two other fields. I also have a "from" and "to" text fields labeled FROM1 - FROM10 and TO1 - TO10. In these text fields the user can input a building number.
I need to add the NEW fields if the HAZ fields = 1.1 into a "grandTotal 1.1" field and I also need it to tell me if it's going "to" or "from" a particularly building number.
I also need to do the same for 1.2-1.6. Can any one help?