I have a form whith three segments and in which I have several text fileds and a single add button at the end of each segment. I also have a table that is supposed to hold the information of each field into the correspondent cell. User can use each of these segments and even use each of them several time during each request he /she sends and of course alternatively. in order to copy filled inofrmation in differnet cells and row of the table which solution should I use.
As an example the user wants to send request to register two new manager, a new organization unit and three personell transfer.
in the desigend form:
First segments is for new managers and includes it's name and family name and organization unit he wants to manage.
Second segment is for new organization and includes its name, and it's code.
third segment is for persoenll transfer and includes his current and future organization units and his name and family name.
The problem is that each user may act differnetly. one may first fill thh first manager information in the first segment and press add then go to the organization unit segment (2)and fill it and press add button in that segment and then enter three personal transfer in the third segment one by one and press the add butoon each time then he goes abck to the first segment to enter the second manager information.
each of these cases must enter in one row of the table(differnt cells). in this case first manager in first row, then the new org unit in secoond row and so on.
I thought of putting a counter in the form that adds by one each time any of these add buttons are clicked. The problem is then ( for example if we are on the new org unit step when the counter is 2 )how should I tell for examlpe copy the value of the org unit name field to Mth cell of the Nth row of the table ( N is the value of counter). If you can suggest any other solution let me know. By teh way, I don't have good knowledge in writing scripts so please give me clear answer with examples if possible.
Thanks in advance for help.