Please help me accomplish the following requirements for my PDF form:
1) the form has one main page and a mostly blank continuation page for overflow.
2) the fields on the main page cannot expand so I can't use flow layout to change the size of a field for overflow.
3) there are certain fields on the page which should allow for overflow by moving the entire text to a continuation page and adding a note in the original text field that says "see continuation page"
I am new to LiveCycle so I am not too familiar with how the scripting works. I've gone through some tutorials but most only barely touch upon scripting.
Let's say the field on the main page that needs to allow for overflow is called "Justification." The field on the continuation page is called "Overflow." Here is my pseudo code for what I need to do:
if (textToAdd.length > Justification.maxLength()) {
Justification.setText("see continuation page");