Ok, so I have this table on page 1 of a form.
I have a subform called Enrollment on page 4 of said form.
I add another instance of Enrollment for every row filled in on the table on page 1.
i.e. John Brown Grade 4 Male
Jane Brown Grade 5 Female
The student's name gets populated in the instance of Enrollment that is visible because there is always one student.
However, when I use scripting to create another instance of Enrollment, I can't get the student's names to populate(auto-fill) the names on the new instance of the subform Enrollment.
I have tried all this...
Enrollment.firstname[1].rawValue = first2.rawValue;
Enrollment[1].middlename.rawValue = middle2.rawValue;
oSubForm.lastname.rawValue = last2.rawValue;
oSubForm is calculated by...
var nIndex = 1;
var sSOM = "Enrollment[" + nIndex + "]";
var oSubform = xfa.resolveNode(sSOM);
I even tried xfa.resolveNode("Enrollment[1].lastname").rawValue
NOTHING is filling in the second subform fields. How do I get to them?
I can't see what they would be called because the instance of the form is generated on the fly by the dropdown!
I have searched and searched, but there is no definitive way I have seen to call these new fields.