We generate Adobe Interactive Forms (developed in Adobe LiveCycle 8.0) from our SAP Netweaver environment. A form is sent to the vendor as an email attachmet and they launch Adobe Reader (or another pdf reader) to acknowledge the form and submit it to our back-end system to save the changes. One vendor saves the form directly from the email for later printing. This process has worked for some time but we recently upgraded our SAP system and made some corresponding changes to the form in LiveCycle Designer. We now see the following issue:
Before the changes, the email attachment pdf could be saved directly from the email without opening Adobe Reader. After saving, the pdf could be seen in Windows Explorer in preview mode and all fields would be populated.
Since the changes, if the pdf is saved directly from the email without opening Adobe Reader then after saving, if the pdf is viewed in Windows Explorer in preview mode, all fields (from the XML) are not populated but the form template is visible (boxes, buttons, etc.) Also, if the vendor attempts to print the form using third-party software, the form is printed with no data but the form template is visible. If the same pdf is opened in Adobe Reader, all data is visible.
Also, since the changes, if an old (created before the changes) pdf is saved directly from the email, the output is visible in Windows Explorer preview as well as print output and Adobe Reader.
Are there any suggestions on what has caused this change in the output from the form?
Thanks for your help.
.. Craig