Image Quandary
Hi, I have created a Livecycle PDF form that has an image field inserted. In this case, the user filling out the form will click that image field and insert a photograph of themselves. Once I receive...
View ArticleHow can I use more than 2 dependent dropdown lists
I would like to create a form using three level of dépendent dropdown lists. Some examples exist with States dropdown list depending on a Country dropdown list. I would like to have a third level City...
View ArticleIssues with JAWS screen reader
Good day everyone, I'm working at making sure one of my forms is WCAG compliant. All is good except when I try to use JAWS to screen-read the form to see if it sounds ok.I have a bit of dynamic...
View ArticleToday's date (formatted) as the default datetime field
Working with LC ES2 yet.The datetime field has the following patterns: display: date{D de 'MMMM' de 'YYYY}edit: date{DD/MM/YYYY}data: date{DD/MM/YYYY} Well, I need to assign the current date as...
View ArticleAdobe Acrobat DC erased my Adobe LiveCycles
Hey All, I have a pretty in depth form that I have been updating in Adobe LiveCycle for several years now with populated large dropdown options and so on, but with the Cloud I have to also download the...
View ArticleHow to format Data in subject line of an Email
I have an email submit button on my LiveCycle form and the client wants data from the form in the subject line of the email. I have the button set up and the patterns set up on the fields but the data...
View ArticleHow to insert custom text inside a text object?.
Hi, I'm trying to do something like this: Lorem Ipsum is simply dummy text of the printing and typesetting industry. Lorem Ipsum has been the industry's standard dummy text ever since the 1500s, when...
View Articleerror/fault when using reader and digitial signatures combined with dropdown...
I'm working on a time card form for my company and they want me to have the form calculate the dates for the two week pay period when the ending day of the pay period is selected, that part I have down...
View ArticleError: Property: Field cannot be set because doing so would violate this...
I have a form that we have been using for quite some time. It works, but the annoying part is that when a reviewer opens it up, it returns a script failed error. It is a simple if, elseIf statement...
View ArticleChrome not displaying PDFs using Adobe Reader Plugin - XFA Forms will not...
See this post:!topicsearchin/chrome/adobe$20plugin%7Csort:releva nce/chrome/TYbj21PkcAQFor security reasons, Google is removing support for NPAPI plugins from...
View ArticleLanguage setting in Adobe PDF properties Advanced Tab
This issue has been brought up many times in the past on the forum with no answer. It has been many years so I thought I would send it out again and see if there has been any answers. When opening the...
View ArticleProblem with a centered table
I have been pulling my hair out on this one. I created a table in LCD ES4 with form properties set to Acrobat target version 9 my table aligns properly when expanded. See below: However when I change...
View ArticleMetadata in LiveCycle
Is there a way to set up meta data in LiveCycle that will map over to Adobe? In the adobe properties there is a "Keyword" section. Where can get enter the Keywords in LiveCycle to that they will map...
View ArticleDrawing Aids palette(activate it from the Window menu)
The Drawing Aids palette(activate it from the Window menu) doesn't show up for me. I am using LiveCycle Designer ES4. I have the option to show it from the Windows menu but nothing shows up. I need...
View ArticleUnidentified "Untitled " object in table cell
Using LiveCyle 8.2.1x and Acrobat Extended Pro 9.1.2. I have a table on my LC form, and in one cell I've got some text. For some reason, I can't edit, access, or even click on that text object...
View ArticleExport xml
Hi everyone I would like to export the xml from my first version of the form I developed and import it to the latest version. The user has completed the old version, so I would like to transfer her...
View ArticleJS script to find a string in a set
I have a large list of items in a drop down ~30. Based on the selection I need to generate some options. I can do this several ways but figure there has to be a better way. My first thought is:var a =...
View ArticleMulti-line entries in drop-down
Hi - I have a drop-down with a very long list, displaying in a fixed field area. Some of the entries are very long, and since the drop-down only allows one line, the rest of the entry is obscured. Is...
View ArticleSetting the value of a drop down within a table
Hi all,I have three tables Orientation, Skill Development and Exam Preparation.Each table has two rows. The first row is just headings the second, Row1, contains a drop down a date field and a numeric...
View ArticleHow to not have an E-mail address be duplicated in the vEmail field and the...
my submit button generates an e-mail based on a dollar amount and a drop-down. Depending on the choices it is possible for an e-mail address to be included in both the vEmail field and the vCC field. I...
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