Automatically populating fields from repeatable subforms?
I have a flowed expandable subform with a table in it containing various fields.I want a second positioned subform to automatically populate with the information from the expanding rows as the user...
View ArticleIgnore case
Is there a way to have the script ignore upper and lower case? I have a script that creates an array of the dropdown items then compares the users input to see if there is a match. The user needs to...
View ArticleSubforums
Hi, I am having trouble with my subforms, for some reason the first page doesnt shift onto the second page and then i cant get the seconf page content to shift? Any help? Also is there a way of hiding...
View ArticleHTML Page Navigation
Good afternoon, In my application I have a spinner that allows me to jump to a certain page and I am very successful with using = 2 for the PDF view. My question is how can I...
View ArticleAdding a day to a date?
I am having trouble making a day add to a date, so far I can get the day to add to Jan. 1, 2000, what am I doing wrong with formcalc?
View ArticleIs there code to hide/show multiple pages?
I'm very much a novice at Livecycle and coding but I have a project that is very page heavy. I'm working in LC ES2. I'm up to over 50 pages now and my task is to dynamically hide/show only pages...
View ArticleHow to make text fields grow dynamically without overlapping the text below it?
Hi..I'm a newbie to Adobe Livecycle and I need a create a form that has a textfield that should grow dynamically and expand without overlapping the text below it. I tried using subforms, saving as...
View ArticleCannot get Submit button to work
I am really stumped with this one. The Submit to Manager button is not working. The only error I get is that assocID is not identified, but as far as I can tell it is identified. Any help would be...
View ArticlePopulate multiple items to a text field from a dropdown list
I am trying to create a dropdown list that when I select an item from the list it adds the item into a text box but doesn't delete the previous text box item. I am just struggling with how to get the...
View ArticleHow do I write script to populate a text field with a user's choice from a...
I have a drop down from which the user chooses his company name. If they don't see their company name they choose "not listed" If they choose "not listed" a second text field pops up and allows...
View ArticleControlling how master pages occur
I have a form that has two pages with repeating subforms on each.The first page is portrait and the second page should be landscape.I want the first page portrait master to repeat as many times as...
View ArticleHow to flow text across multiple pages in 9
My form is lengthy, and one Master Page section will be text with no form fields, but the text is 10+ pages, depending on the version of terms and conditions provided. In this link,...
View ArticleHow to change the values of dropdown with two columns - offline form?
I am creating a offline Adobe interactive form. I have two fields in a table :-: Course Number and Course Name. I have a dropdown on Course Name (since users mostly know Course name)This...
View ArticleCan you use Qualifiers when using data binding and a schema
I am very new to the ALC designer and have only worked in a limited range to create fields and map those fields directly to an element in the schema. My xml instance looks like the below <person>...
View ArticleLinking 2 drops downs and having tables appear
I need to link 2 drop downs together so that the second is dependant on the first. I also need to have a table appear when the second drop down option is selected. If they change their mind and select...
View ArticleRemove first blank page
Hi,I have a document which has two master pages, the first is portrait and the second is landscape.Certain conditions in the form cause some pages to become hidden, it all works perfect except for...
View ArticleIs there a way to set up my response table to populate text as proper, upper,...
I have a number of event registration forms set up and open for responses. I know that the form fields do not allow for the ability to set up upon data entry for text to be proper, upper, or lower...
View Articlehow to use images in drop down list ...
Hi, i am making a form, which have to include drop down menu with images, for example when you push the drop down list the choices must be small images with vegetables, is it possible to make this...
View ArticleAdobe Livecycle Designer Online, is it possible to remove this Help Menu Item?
I would like to remove the "Adobe LiveCycle Designer Online" from the help menu. Can this be done through the registry?
View ArticleIn Adobe Forms Central can I move the column order in the response table?
I need to change the order of the columns in my response table for some forms. How can I do that?
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