Are there plans to update livecycle designer to conform with the CC Family of...
I am relatively new to using adobe LiveCycle Designer. I have to say it's a pretty great piece of software. There are some things in it that really bother me though.For example, you can't just drag...
View ArticleHow do I multiple a number after it rounds up?
I have a form asking for miles traveled. I need what they enter to round up to the next nearest whole mile. I have called that field "mileage". I have set it to whole numbers and it rounds up nicely...
View ArticleCompression options in Designer ES4?
Hello, Is there a way to turn off all compression for generated PDFs in ES4? Thanks!
View ArticleArithmic Overflow Error in FormCalc
I get the overflow error when my form opens ( I know it is cuased by two division fields at the end of my form). I have mutlple fields that do computations based on other fields. How do I set a default...
View ArticleError Arithmetic overflow
I have multiple number fields that perform calculations based on GPA, Credits, Quality Points etc.. the last two fields divide previous returned values but when the form opens I get the overflow error....
View ArticleProper syntax for setTimeOut() inside a loop
Problem: I want to loop through something, say, 5 times. Each iteration requires the counter to be used. I can use a for loop to accomplish this task. Now, suppose I want to do the same thing, but I...
View ArticleShowing value as a zero or a null in a bound field
I have a table in a livecycle form that is bound to fields in a SQL database. There are both zero and null values in the database that I want to show as such in the table, but any zero values appear...
View ArticleFiring Two Scripts One After Another
I have a submit button to submit PDF to email and a script to lock fields. But I need it to validate fields first then run the Lock Fields script before submitting it to email. The problem I'm having...
View ArticleDynamically populate text field based on result of on-the-fly calculation?
Hello. I am attempting to create a hazard assessment form. I have three drop-down lists, Exposure, Probability and Severity, respectively, that assign a numeric value to each of these. Exposure can be...
View ArticleShare Data between Pro and Designer Form
Good evening, Old Form:I recently inherited an adobe pro form created a few years ago. The naming conventions are horrible, and they refuse to replace the form to spit out an xml file. But they want...
View Articlelock fields, so that they cannot be reset
I'm looking for a way to lock the value of a field, so that it cannot be reset. I think it must be done with Variables, but i don't know how.What is the best way to prevent a field from resetting? Can...
View ArticleUsing a drop down list to make a subform become visible/invisible
I am trying to do something simple... I just cant get it to work. I have a drop down list named "ownership" (Which is part of, DOES THE BORROWER HAVE AN OWNERSHIP INTEREST IN ANY OTHER PROPERTY? and I...
View ArticleMultiple Dropdown Lists with Switch Statement
I am using multiple dropdown list to help a user find their correct sales associate based on the model and part they are using. However my "switch" statment is always going to the "default" case. Where...
View ArticleNow you see me
How can I get a sub form to be visible or hidden based on the state of a checkbox See
View ArticleImporting a PDF comes out blank
When I import a PDF into a flowable form it comes out blank. It works if I import it static though. I did some editing on the form in photoshop, the old version (Before Editing) works fine. The edited...
View ArticleDisplay total number of rows in a table.
I am building a form that tracks uses of my company debit card, using a dynamic table with an "Add Row" button. I would like to place a box near the top of the form that will count the rows and dispay...
View ArticleUnable to add items to dropdown list using javascript
Hi, I'm trying to add additional items to a dropdown list at runtime using javascript. I'm doing this by invoking the addItem method on the dropdown list field during its initialize event. However when...
View ArticleJustify a numeric value
How do I right justify a numeric field in a textbox? To do the caption is easy but how about the text field?
View ArticleForm works perfectly, in Reader, in other acrobats, but not in Acrobat Pro 9???
Hi, I have a form I made in LiveCycle designer. It has radio buttons and when a radio button is clicked, it passes an object to a function that then expands a table and adds rows for each item. It...
View ArticleFragments and Data Binding
All I have a use case where there needs to be a parent form that will contain a number of children sections. Now I know I could just have one giant schema and have all of these child sections as...
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