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Javascript to clear a populated field


Hello all!

I am looking for help   I have a form where I have two dropdowns.  When you choose an item from the first drop down it populates the list for the 2nd dropdown.  Problem is when the user decides to change their mind on the first dropdown and the 2nd drop down is already populated the new list appears but the field within the dropdown doesn't clear for the user to make a new choice.  How can I get the field to clear?

Here is the script I am using





If/else if/else syntax question


I am trying to write a (java) script where the value of the field would be determined by the value of another field.  For instance, if field1 is less than or equal to 50000, then 0 would be in field2,...else if field 1 is greater than or equal to 100000, then 0 would be in field 2....else field2 would be a calculated field (Field1*20/1000).


The actual script I used is:

if (RenoCost <= 50000)

{NumericField3 =="0"


else if (RenoCost >= 100000)

{NumericField3 == "0"




NumericField3 == "RenoCost*23/1000





I am a LiveCycle Noob, bind information using a drop down lists



I am a LiveCycle Noob, and was curious if you can bind information that a form filler would input to individual items on a drop down list?  I have a form that will be used to rate candidates and want to program the names in for the raters to rate but save those ratings if they select another name from the drop down list.

Hidden subform subform processing issue


Here’s my scenario: The user needs to enter data and make dropdown choices on the first page of the form (user entry point) and get back a flattened PDF showing the appropriate output based on their choices (the first page is hidden while the 2nd or 3rd pages are revealed). In addition, there are three subforms on the second page, any of which may need to be visible depending on a selection from a dropdown list.


When testing on the client side the output is correct:  two pages are hidden and a subform is hidden and made visible based on a the customers selection; the user entry point is hidden, and the correct pages and correct subform are visible. (works fine)


However, when the form is submitted to the server-side process for flattening it does not return the anticipated output. It flattens and shows the initial input screen which should be hidden; when it should show the page 2 or page 3 choices. It’s as if the changes or choices made by the user are not recognized at this point.


Can you tell me what’s missing in this code or what I have set up incorrectly?

Currently my code is set up like this.


For the client side:

data-set.MainDocument.sfCustomerEntryInfo.btnCreateForm::click - (JavaScript, client)

  1. this.resolveNode("CheckBox1").rawValue = "1";
  2. sfCustomerEntryInfo.ddlForMoreInformation.execEvent("change");
  3. this.resolveNode("sfCustomerEntryInfo").presence = "hidden";
  4. this.resolveNode("Page1").presence = "visible";
  5. this.resolveNode("Page2").presence = "visible";


For the server side:

data-set.Page2.Page2.sfimgpage2.Button1::ready:form - (JavaScript, server)

if xfa.resolveNode("data-set.MainDocument.sfCustomerEntryInfo.CheckBox1" ) this.rawValue = 1



    this.resolveNode("sfCustomerEntryInfo").presence = "hidden";

    this.resolveNode("sfContactYourLocal").presence = "visible";

    this.resolveNode("sfStandard").presence = "visible";

    this.resolveNode("Page1").presence = "visible";

    this.resolveNode("Page2").presence = "visible";




Thanks for your time

Link to second form from radio buttons on first form




I have a set of 3 radio buttons in a list. I would like each radio button to open a second, separate form which the user fills in and submits separately from the first form. When the second form is submitted, the user should be placed back into the first form at the radio button list.


I'm not sure how to do this.




Master Page pertaining to one bodypage appearing in another bodypage


Hello All,


I am implementing an Adobe form with the following layout.


1. First page consisting of some header information and an item table


           For this, I have created a master page MP1 and a new bodypage BP1, with following specifications -


             Subform Content = 'Flowed' (Top to Bottom)

             Pagination Place = 'Following previous'; After = 'Continue Filling Parent'


2. Second page consisting of just item table


           I have created a new master page MP2 for this and using same bodypage BP1 as used for first page, with following specifications -


              Overflow = 'Go To Page 'MP2''


3. Last page showing terms and conditions (include text).


         For this, I have created a new master page MP3 and a new bodypage BP3, with following specifications -


              Pagination Place = 'On Page 'MP3''; After = 'Continue filling parent'


In the output, the first and second pages are displayed properly.


However, in the background of last page with terms and conditions text, the master page MP2 pertaining to second page is showing by mistake, though I have placed bodypage BP3 pertaining to last page on master page MP3. Please note that I cannot set the maximum occurrence of MP2 to 1, as the second page can repeat multiple times depending on number of items.


Please comment on a possible approach to resolve the issue.




formcalc syntax working as javascript...How can that work?


I've been chasing some problems with a forms project I've been working on and just noticed something odd as I was reseearching and reading anything I can find on the web in relation to interactive forms.


I have a dropdown list field that drives the presence of various checklists depending on which item is selected by the user.


In reading a post by Stefan Cameron online regarding the bounditem function I noticed sample syntax for both Java and formcalc.


I have the same format mentioned for formcalc but the language is set to Javascript in the script editor window and the field is working exactly as I need it to when I preview the form or work with it in Adobe or Reader up until when I save the completed form in reader.


At that point, parts of my form refuse to remain visible.


My first question is how is the formcalc syntax of my script working at all when language is set to Javascript?  If I change it to formcalc....my field shows an error message when I select an item in preview.




AcctOpenProcesssubform.CSSystemSetupForm.Account_Client_Info.CHOOSE_A CCOUNT_TYPE_HERE::change - (JavaScript, client)

$.resolveNode("T174").presence = "invisible";

if ($.boundItem(xfa.event.newText) == "42 - Irrevocable Marital Trust" || $.boundItem(xfa.event.newText) == "42 - Irrevocable Residual Trust" || $.boundItem(xfa.event.newText) == "42 - Irrevocable Trust U/A") {

  this.resolveNode("IrrevTrust").presence = "visible";


else {

  this.resolveNode("IrrevTrust").presence = "hidden";




I cant recall but when I started this project, I think I used the action builder to get the page to become visible or stay hidden. Then I copied the code and edited as necessary for my other scenarios so now I have similar code hiding/showing about 12 different checklists.


Next question is could this cause the problems I'm seeing when I save the form as a reader extended pdf? Specifically, when openning a saved form, the pages that were visible when saved, are hidden when reopened.


Is it better to leave it alone since it appears it is working or edit the code in the Java syntax (this.bounditem...etc)?

Transfering created forms from one computer to another. Rush!


I am having to forfeit my desktop to a new employee, and all the forms I've created are on the desktop.  I will be using a laptop which also has the Adobe Pro installed.  How can I transfer the forms from the desktop to the laptop?  I need help ASAP!  I cannot afford to lose the forms I've created.  Thank you. 

Check boxes and text


I have created a fill form with check boxes for approval.  I have four different types of approval and you check one.  One of the choices has two lines of text.  The check box is not lining up with the first line of text.  It does not look consistent with the other check boxes which only have one line of text.  I would like the check box to line up with the first line of text.

How to get a score in javascript




Hi everybody,


Thanks to a user, I have got  this exemple. I used it to do a quiz. A user answers  this quiz and you will be given his score. In this exemple he must get the different languages in the good order (for instance: Russian, French, English, and Italian). So far it works, but I don't know how to do the javascript to obtain the score.


Script of the button (click_event):


for (var i = 0; i < ListBox1.length; i++)


    if (ListBox1.getItemState(i))


        ListBox2.addItem(ListBox1.getDisplayItem(i), ListBox1.getSaveItem(i));



for (var i = ListBox1.length; i >= 0; i--)


    if (ListBox1.getItemState(i))






Script of the listbox (change_event)


for (var i = 0; i < this.items.nodes.length; i++)


    if (xfa.event.change == this.items.nodes.item(i).value)


        XFAUtil.setProperty(this, "selectedIndex", i, XFAUtil.ContentType.Integer);





Script of the total box (?_event)


Now it's your turn!


Any help will be appreciated


Many thanks

How to center chars inside of cells of the comb field (text field)?


Hello gurus,



I'm working on preparation of the legal form for tax return.  Due to sophisticated form structure and customer's demand to prepare return of enourmous size (more than thusand pages) I decided to remake obsolete form using "comb of" option in order to reduce size of the source and prevent memory allocation issues on customer side.


[Issue details]

Legal requirement is to have typeface Courier New 16pt-18pt and cells of the certain size.

This is how the form provided by tax authorities looks like:


Here you can see that chars are somehow centered inside of the cells but when I create comb in my livecycle designer it is not the case and I have different layout:


Look how letters are placed inside of the cells. After some research I've found out that there is a left margin which always exists in every cell of the comb, most probably triggered by the border. Tried to edit XML source but didn't achieve any significant success. The issue is not caused by the narrowness of the cells and reproductible even with extra wide ones.


Here is my current XML:            

          <field h="5.7mm" name="STR_230_TOT_TX" w="60mm" x="4.264278in" y="4.458417in" anchorType="middleCenter">               <ui>                  <textEdit hScrollPolicy="off">                     <border hand="right">                        <edge stroke="dotted"/>                        <corner stroke="dotted" thickness="0.176mm"/>                     </border>                     <margin bottomInset="0mm" leftInset="0mm" rightInset="0mm" topInset="0mm"/>                     <para hAlign="left" vAlign="top"/>                     <comb numberOfCells="15"/>                  </textEdit>               </ui>               <font size="16pt" typeface="Courier New"/>               <margin bottomInset="0mm" leftInset="0mm" rightInset="0mm" topInset="0mm"/>               <bind match="dataRef" ref="N140_TAX_AMOUNT"/>               <assist>                  <speak disable="1"/>               </assist>            </field>


This is how comb field is supposed to be rendered (screenshot from the documentation):


Everything is centered and it is a behaviour I supposed to see.


Are there any possible solutions how to place chars at center of the cells?

Left Columns Cut off Printing Landscape Dynamic Table


I have designed a form with a table designed to print landscape on a letter size paper. The form has an Add row button creates rows that can span multiple pages. The form prints correctly in the PDF Preview tab but when tested with adobe reade 11 the table cuts off on the left for all pages except the first when mutilpe pages are printed. If one page is printed then it prints ok. This only happens in adobe reader 11 when the "auto portrait/landscape" is selected in the print dialog. If "Landscape" is selected instead of  "auto portrait/landscape" the pages print ok. I am using Designer ES2.  I can't depend on the users of the form to make the orientation landscape before printing. Does anyone know the solution to this problem?

Help please


Hi I am new user adobeLiveDesigner I try to do order form  and i need a help. Total column is a multiply of price and qty but for some products have to be multiply of price qty and size. Hope thats sound clear.Can anyone help me please.




Generate field list


Hi there,


I'm working with a complex form containing more than 100 fields. Is there a way to automatically generate a field list which contains all fields that I'm using in the form.


Thanks and best regards,



Copy text fields value to new instance.


I have a subform where I use "TAG.instanceManager.addInstance(1);" to create a new instance of the subfrom, but I also want to have a button that creates a new instance that copies the values of the current instance. (See Below Image, have also provided hierarchy if that helps)   Is there a way to have the values copy to the new instance?  Any help would be appreciated. Thanks



How do I get form to automatically copy/paste a group of text fields?


I have a group of text fields that are in my form. 

I would like the user to be able to select a number in a number field and it automatically paste “x” number of the group of text fields for the user.


I.E   The user states that he has 5 problems.  He goes to the numerical field and chooses the # 5.  I would like my form to automatically paste 5 of my text field groups for him to enter his data.




If this is not achievable then I would like to have a check box below my group of text fields asking “Is there another problem”.  When the user checks the box it automatically pastes another group of text fields for him to enter in his data.

Having trouble with flowed form


Maybe this is a referencing problem, but I am pulling my hair out because I just don't see what the error is.


The 2 page dynamic form in the link below...



...works fine, UNTIL the first page flows into a 2nd page. THEN, the script in the dropdown list that WAS on the 2nd page (but which is now the 3rd) no longer makes visible the hidden fields. I know you pros out there will know right away what the problem is, and if you can help me out, I'd greatly appreciate it.





Insert fragments dynamically


We are integration a Java application with ALC for generating correpondence. Wa are using ALC ES3 with Output and Forms Module. Document is a static one. Values are passed via XML from the external Java application.


I have a situation where User is given 5 questions (5 drop down menu's) with possible options A, B, C, D, E on the user interface of the Java application.


If user selects A, appropriate paragraph (out of 25 paragraphs or subforms) should be shown on the document.


If the user selects value A for all the 5 questions then approrpiate paragraph needs to be shown 5 times.


I was wondering if I can create 25 fragments and each time user chooses A value then appropriate fragments should be referenced dynamically during rendering process.


Not sure If I was able to explain the question clearly but let me know whatever questions you have to make my situation clear.

Scrolling Text


I have a large amount of text for terms and conditions I want to add to a subform. Is there a way to create a text box that with a scroll bar? I want this option so that I can contain the text to one page. Also this text box needs to be in a sub form so that it does not appear till a yes response is selected from a radio button.


Also is there a way to search the forums for key word? I have tried several differnt search boxes and they all seem to look at the entire web site.

Form Designed in LiveCycle will not work for End User


Please Help!


I am a newbie to Adobe LiveCycle but recognized the utility in the program, so decided to give it a while to try and streamline some of my employer's forms.  After spending too much time learning how to design a form (much to the dislike of my boss), I am finally going to have to ask for some help.  So here's the deal:


I've designed a dynamic pdf in LiveCycle with two master pages and two repeating flowed subforms.  The first repeating subform is basically an expanding table intended to be used as a photographer's log where they can log each photo taken with the camera.  The expanding table has some code with a button at the top for the end user to enter the number of photos on the photo roll, click submit, and table expands to however many instances of rows are needed for each photo that was taken.  The second subform is basically an image field and text fields used as photo captions/photo compilation pages.  When the end user clicks submit on the first subform to expand the table, I also have javascript in that click event to also create same amouint of instances of the second subform (the photo compilation page(s)).  Each text field for the photo caption on the second subform is populated by the data entered into the photo log table cells.  I was able to find a script to correctly populate those fields for each instance of the table.  Wish I had the form here, but it's at work at the moment.


My problem is this: I've scratched and clawed to get all of the forms expanding correctly and the scripts populating each instance of the fields correctly and everything works great in LiveCycle preview.  I then saved the form as PDF for use by my field crew personnel (whom all use, at the very least, Adobe Pro 9, but most Pro X).  I sent the new form to them and they move it to their desktop, open it with Adobe Pro, and populate all of the fields and everything works swimmingly.  However, once they save it, it gets all jumbled and they can't even print it.  We even thought we found a workaround by entering all data and printing to PDF, but even that has turned out to not work.  I checked to make sure that I designed and saved the form in LiveCycle for use with the Adobe Pro versions, but still not working for my end users.


Anyone have any thoughts on my long explanation??  Please HELLLLPPPP!

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