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Tick a checkbox


Hello everybody


I did a form. I have a checkbox and two textfields with the same data binding. When I tick the checkbox the second textfield becomes visible. So far so good.  But, but I would like that WHEN I type in the textfield, the square of the checkbox is automatically ticked. Probably a javascript exists.


Many thanks for your help 

loop not working for check of duplicate values in a repeating table


I have a form that is used for marking down problem items, describing the problems and assigning a value to the specified item. In some cases the problems belong to the same class. When they do, the value associated with the problem should only be marked once. If another problem in the same class is documented the value should not be recorded the second time. I have a variable that is called based on a switch statement in the exit event of the field that records the problem item number. The script in the variable is then supposed to check for duplicate values in the table. If no other problem item in that class is selected, then the problem value should be assigned a number. If another item from the same class has already been entered, then the problem value should just be left blank. I will paste the script for the variable below as well as the switch statement. When I used to call the variable based upon the change event for the problem item, the script work. At that time, the switch statement was related to a drop-down menu. We decided to get rid of the drop-down and just have the used type the item number. But to do so, I had to move the switch statement to the exit event for the field. when I did this, the script in the variable no longer worked properly. Here is the switch statment followed by the script in the variable:


this.rawValue = this.rawValue.toLowerCase();
var bEnableTextField = true;
var i = "Inspection Criteria: ";
var r = "Required Corrections: ";
switch (this.rawValue)
  case "1a": // 1a- First debit option
    CorrectionsText.CorrectionLang = r+"Correction description for 1st debit";
    ViolCorrSection.ViolationsText.DebitVal = "C";
    ViolCorrSection.Reference.RefLanguage = i+"1st debit reference";

  case "1b": // 1b- Second debit option
    CorrectionsText.CorrectionLang = r+"Correction description for 2nd debit";
    ViolCorrSection.Reference.RefLanguage = i+"2nd debit reference";
break; //the script continues for various item numbers...


________________ variable script ________________________


function group1()
//Used in checking duplication of violations
var oFields = xfa.resolveNodes("form1.MAINBODYSUB.ViolationsTableSubform.Violations Table.ViolCorrSection[*].ViolationsText.ItemNo"); // looks to resolve the repeating rows
var nNodesLength = oFields.length; //assigns the number of rows to a variable
var currentRow = xfa.resolveNode("form1.MAINBODYSUB.ViolationsTableSubform.ViolationsT able.ViolCorrSection").index;
var currentDebit = xfa.resolveNode("form1.MAINBODYSUB.ViolationsTableSubform.ViolationsT able.ViolCorrSection[" + currentRow + "].ViolationsText.DebitVal");

for (var nNodeCount = 0; nNodeCount < nNodesLength; nNodeCount++) // this loops through Item Numbers looking for duplicate violations
//console.println("nNodeCount: " + nNodeCount);
var nFld = xfa.resolveNode("form1.MAINBODYSUB.ViolationsTableSubform.ViolationsT able.ViolCorrSection[" + nNodeCount + "]");
//console.println("nFld.ViolationsText.ItemNo: " + nFld.ViolationsText.ItemNo.rawValue);
     if (nFld.ViolationsText.ItemNo.rawValue == "1a" || nFld.ViolationsText.ItemNo.rawValue == "1b" || nFld.ViolationsText.ItemNo.rawValue == "1c" || nFld.ViolationsText.ItemNo.rawValue == "1d") // looks for other 1s
          currentDebit.rawValue = "";
          nNodeCount = nNodesLength;  // stop loop
        currentDebit.rawValue = "5";



So, if you enter 1b the first time, you should get a value of 5 appearing in the debit value field. If you enter 1c next, because it belongs to the same group of class of problem items, there should be no value assigned. What happens now is that the values for 1b and 1c don't appear at all because the form thinks that the first 1b entry already existed.


Any ideas? I have a stripped down version of the form that I can email to someone for reference if that would help. Thanks

P.S. I am working with LiveCycle Designer ES 8.2.1....

Checkbox check style issue


Has anyone run into a glitch where a newly added checkbox in a form will only display an X under the default setting, but won't allow a different style of mark, such as a check mark? I need to use the check mark style to be consistent with the other check boxes on my form (which still allow the check marks without a problem). Any ideas?

Clearing an image field


I have created an image field that a user can select via a checkbox.  The image field is hidden by default.  If the user clicks a checkbox the field becomes visible.  Clicking the field allows the user to embed an image. 

I am attempting to set a "clear image" action, but for some reason if I set the image field rawValue to null the image field disappears and will not come back.  The only command I am associating to the button is:


COPQImage.rawValue = null;


This makes the field disappear as if it was reset to hidden, and clicking the check box to attach an image will not bring the field back.  Is this a bug, or is there something else that needs to happen to an image field if you set it's rawValue to null?

Returning and Inserting a barcode into a field from webserver


I was wondering if it were possible using the Designer to create a form that when you enter an ID, it would submit back to a webserver to validate. Then the webserver would send back a barcode to replace that ID. I found all the tutorials about connecting to a webserver but I haven't found anything on what types of data can be returned.



Interactive Adobe Form contains no data in Windows Explorer Preview


An interactive form developed in Adobe LiveCycle Designer 8.0 is being generated and emailed to the user.  If the form is opened in Adobe Reader, the form is displayed with all data visible.  If the form is previewed (in Microsoft Outlook, in Windows Explorer, etc.), the form is displayed but the data is missing.  What can I do to correct this?


I upgraded to Livecycle Designer 9.0 (ES2) and resaved the form, but still have the same issue.


Someone help!   PLEASE !!!!  


.. Craig

Autosum totals for amounts in multiple instances of table?


I'm using LiveCycle ES2 to create an expense claim form. I have no trouble calculating the sum of all values in a column in a table with repeatable rows. However, this form is more complex. As you'll see, each item (expense) is a table. Clicking the button adds a new instance of the table. No problem with the calculation for GST, either.



Where it gets tricky is trying to dynamically calculate the grand totals for all expenses incurred and for all GST. This is in a different table, as you can see here.


And here's a grab of the object hierarchy that illustrates just how I built this.


Is this too complex, or is there a way to dynamically calculate the grand totals, regardless of how many instances of ExpenseDetails there may be?

Form Crashes When Adjusting Rows In Table


Hi,  I copied an excel table into LiveCycle 8.2 and I'm experiencing a lot of issues.  First the form is acting very slow. Second when I try to adjust the height of a row the form crashes.  I noticed that in the Hierarchy there are fields that have a question mark icon and they are called "(untitled <draw>)".  It will not allow me to select these fields on the form or in the Heirarchy.  I'm guessing this is the cause of my form crashing.  Not sure where these came from because they were not there when I initially copied the table - I was able to adjust rows, columns as well as select the text fields.


Any help please???

How to trigger pop-up box upon clicking "save" button to alert user that the form passed validation?


We have an interactive form that the user saves when completed and returns to us later. 




Currently using the script below that allows the user to save the form if it passes validation.  If they skipped a required question a pop-up appears to tell them which ones they missed.  However I would also like to have a pop-up box to appear after they click the "save" button to let them know the form was validated and can now me saved.  How do I add that?  Thanks!!





This is the script I am currently using:



if    (MICPAUMFORMtest.execValidate())




    app.execMenuItem("Save As") ;










Radio Button Data


I have two radio buttons in a table cell with a positioned subform. The data from this exclusion group will not export to a spreadsheet. Any idea why? the binding for the table, row, and group look okay. Why?.Capture.PNG

Strategies for populating drop downs with external data




I have a couple nice forms that call various array scripts that populate drop down boxes based on a selection.  Everytime I need to update pricing, models, etc... I have to go in and manually edit the array.  I am using just designer - we do not have the server version.


Is there a better way to do this ranther than edit the array and keep saving version?  I have seen some expamples using anXML file to the form.  This looks like a solution but I am not sure how to do it if this.


It would be nice to have seperate database that contained my widgets external, update it and then make the connection. 


Any help would be apprecated!

Drop Down List With Multiple Email Addresses

I created a form which requires users to choices from a drop down list. I want to associate their choice with a specific email address and then submit the completed .pdf form to the specified email address. I have tried writing a Java Script to accomplish this selection but have failed to make the operation work. Help!! Thanks.

random password generator?




I would like a "gererate password" button that fills a filed with an alphanumeric passwrod of 8 characters or so.  Wildcard characters would be good as well.  Can anyone help me with a script that can create random passwords?  Also - I understand it may not be truly random as a response duplicated could be created every 1,233,432 times or whatever and thats OK  It would be random enought.  Thanks much.

Cannot Change Identities / Email where Submit button emails responses to


I have created, entiriely, in LiveCycle a form. When it is distributed it AUTOMATICALLY inserts my own email to where the repsonses go to. Cannot - REPEAT CANNOT- Alter it.


This is the "Submit" that is automatically generated and put into the PDF TAB when a form is distributed.

I've gone into Acrobat / LiveCycle and changed "identies" but the response STILL goes to my Email. It NEVER picks up my changed Identity - and shows my own email and not the one I want responses sent to.

Rebooted after chainging Identities  - STILL goes to my email.

Edited in the Acrobat - STILL - goes to my email - SUBMIT button (automatically created when you distribute the form) ALWAYS says to send to my email.

Edit the options/properties to change - MY EMAIL IS GREYED OUT AND CANNOT ALTER IT IN THE DISTIBUTON panel where you can select options as how the form is distrubited - selecting EMAIL response to form submission.

It ALWAYS SHOWS my Active Directoy LOGON ID as the form OWNER - CANNOT CHANGE IT.

We are IN an Active Directory environemnt and my logon account has NO RIGHTS to change MASTER registry Win7 entries at all - only (like normal) my own preferences - BUT LIVE CYCLE / ADOBE DOES NOT CHANGE ANYTHING with email at all concerning the auto email sent to portion. I can change "sent by" but NOT who I want responses sent to.

Cannot FIND at all any XML preferences file in registry / file system to hack and manually change it.

You look at the XML data in the form and it shows my email address - AND ALL XML data is BLOCKED from being edit at all in the form - and NO idea where it is pulling this information from.


Is there ANY WAY at all to change --- WITHOUT WRITING ANY CODE - to alter where a distributed form is to send email repsonses to.

CANNOT, REPEAT CANNOT - use any cloud, online or any external source at all. Cannot use Acrobat.com.




Adding data to Barcode


Good day,


Can someone please tell me whats the easiest way of adding fields to paperform barcode.


What I tried doing was something like this:


On Calculate Event : this.rawValue = page1.textField1.rawValue + page1.textField2.rawValue + ...


But I think there must be an easier way of doing this , especially that I have a more than one page form.


Another question whats the maximum that can be added on the paper form barcode and which barcode can add more values




javascript to insert address with checkbox option causing clearing of user entered address on save


I have a checkbox that will enter our company address into the address fields when checked, but when unchecked the user has the option to enter their own address.


This works fine until it comes to saving the document. When the checkbox is unchecked and the user enters their own address and then saves the document, the javascript is removing the user entered address.


Here is the code:

<script>if($.rawValue eq 1) then
.Main.Address1="blah blah Street"
ZipCode="WC1N XXX"
(ros.rawValue eq 1) then
.Main.Address1="blah blah Street"
ZipCode="WC1N XXX"


Address1 = null

City = null

ZipCode = null

Country = null

<script>if($.rawValue eq 1) then
.Main.Address1="blah blah Street"
ZipCode="WC1N XXX"
Country="UK" elseif (ros.rawValue eq 1) then
.Main.Address1="blah blah Street"
ZipCode="WC1N XXX"


Address1 = null

City = null

ZipCode = null

Country = null


Any ideas?




It's this part of the script that is causing it:



    Address1 = null

    City = null

    ZipCode = null

    Country = null


I need a way to say user-entered-data:



    Address1 = user-entered-data

    City = user-entered-data

    ZipCode = user-entered-data

    Country = user-entered-data




(Notes: I am saving it as a reader-extended pdf so the text entered in the fields by the user can be saved)


Thanks in advance

Image Quandary




I have created a Livecycle PDF form that has an image field inserted.  In this case, the user filling out the form will click that image field and insert a photograph of themselves.  Once I receive all of these filled-in forms that include photographs, I want to export field data from multiple PDFs into an Excel spreadsheet. 


When I click "embed image", and set the binding to "no data binding" since I don't want the image info imported into the Excel file, when the user inserts the photograph and saves the PDF, there is no image when the file is reopened, but all the other field info is there, and exports into Excel with no problem.  The only way I can get the image to appear after the user has filled out the form is if I have chosen "embed image" and set the binding to "Use Name".  However, the exported field info in the Excel spreadsheet contains hundreds of lines of garbage (which I assume is the BASE64 conversion of the image).


So how can I have an image inserted into the form, and still appear when the PDF is reopened, without all the gibberish showing up when I export the fields from multiple PDFs into Excel?  Thanks in advance.  Alot!!





I understand that .presence controls screen appearance and .relevant controls printing. Here's a sample from the Scripting Basics guide:


switch(xfa.event.newText) {

case 'Invisible':

Subform1.nodes.item(nCount).presence = "invisible";


case 'Hidden (Exclude from Layout)':

Subform1.nodes.item(nCount).presence = "hidden";


case 'Visible (but Don\'t Print)':

Subform1.nodes.item(nCount).presence = "visible";

Subform1.nodes.item(nCount).relevant = "-print";


case 'Invisible (but Print Anyway)':

Subform1.nodes.item(nCount).presence = "invisible";

Subform1.nodes.item(nCount).relevant = "+print";



Subform1.nodes.item(nCount).presence = "visible";



So the example covers Hidden, Visible (but don't print and Invisible (but print anyway).


But how does a script set an object to be visible AND print? It appears that anything like:




causes an object to disappear from the screen, and




will not bring it back.



Creating a conditional click event


Hello all,


I am creating a form in Livecycle Designer ES2. I am trying to create a template of sorts, so that users can fill out information within the form and it will adhere to a specific format and style. I am doing this by adding buttons that show/hide fields for text, bulleted lists, tables, images, etc. The issue that I have run into is figuring out what to hide and what to show. For instance, if a user clicks a button titled "Add image below" then an image will be shown below, the "Add image below" button is hidden, and a "Remove image" button is shown.


Is there a way to add conditional "if" statements using javascript to a button that contains a click event? My goal is for the script to evaluate whether a condition is true or false (in this case whether or not a field is already visible) and then perform one of two actions. The reason for this is that I am creating a bulleted list (that can be shown or hidden) that is followed by image fields (which can also be shown or hidden). If the user removes the image fields and there is no bulleted list shown, I want a button to be visible so the user can add a bulleted list. But if the user has already added the bulleted list, then when they remove the image fields I do not want the "Add bulleted list" button to reappear.


Is this possible?

change object type in cell programmatically



I have a cell that contains a text field.  Based on a selection, I would like to change the text field to a drop down and populate it.

This needs to be done in the script of the table.

My question is is this possible with livecycle?  If so, how can the cell contents be removed/replace with new contents?

Is there a better way to have the same end result?

Thanks for any help

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