How to create a adobe ebook using livecycle desinger ES3 version
How to create a adobe ebook using livecycle desinger ES3 version?
Export Data
I have connected my form to an Access database (I'm very new at this). I am able to export the form data without a problem however I don't want the form to connect to the database when the form is opened by the originator. I want the form to be populated and emailed to another user and that last user will be the one to export the data to the database. The problem I am trying to solve is when the "Add New" script runs
it clears the form field data. Is there a way to do what I am trying to do? Is there a way to tell the database to go to the next record and then export the data already in the form fields by the first user?.
Can't get totals to sum across several pages
Been struggling for ages to try and solve a nested subform calculation problem and flowing the totals across several pages to give a final total at the end. The form adds individual lines to a section and also adds new sections so it's not straightforward,
I've been trying various ways of using the 'var fields = xfa.layout.pageContent(0,"fields") which calculates the sum of the first page fine, but I can't get the Total Sum to carry forward to subsequent pages. I've tried various scripts that replace with '0' with page number type script but I've not found one that works.
I'm a real newbie at this and have used sample scripts to compile a customer ordering form for use on line but am stuck at this last bit.
Also, when a section flows onto a new page I'm getting a complete subform and not a continuing part of the subform (more an irritant than a technical problem at this stage)
I've uploaded my form to my website here and set the form up to add 3 lines for trial purposes.
Any help from you experts out there will be much appreciated. Thanks
RE breaks Floating FIelds in Fragment in Master Page
I have a fragment in a master page, which has a number of floating fields in it. The form works fine. However when I apply reader extensions in Acrobat, the form begins throwing errors in the ColorFieldsValidation designer generates. (line 42)
if (oInvalidNode.errorText == "") { | ||||||
// Validation Succeeded | ||||||
// Revert the appearance to its original state | ||||||
var oBorder = sClassName == "field" ? oInvalidNode.ui.oneOfChild.border : oInvalidNode.border; | ||||||
oBorder.parent.nodes.remove(oBorder); | ||||||
// Remove the tool tip if it wasn’t originally specified | ||||||
var sSOM = oInvalidNode.somExpression; | ||||||
sSOM = sSOM.replace("xfa[0].form[0]", "xfa[0].template[0]"); | ||||||
console.println("sSOM" + sSOM); | ||||||
var oOriginalNode = xfa.resolveNode(sSOM); | ||||||
var oOriginalAssist = oOriginalNode.assist; | ||||||
if (!oOriginalAssist.isPropertySpecified("toolTip")) { | ||||||
var oToolTip = oInvalidNode.assist.toolTip; | ||||||
oInvalidNode.assist.nodes.remove(oToolTip); | ||||||
} | ||||||
} |
I added a console.println, and noticed the error is because the document is referencing a form object that does not exist
oOriginalNode is null
TypeError: oOriginalNode is null
I've checked and double checked, there is no duplicate SupportSection fragment in my pages or master pages. What could be causing this? Is it a bug? Using Designer ES4.
Connecting to Database
I have a form that connects to a database. I do not want the form to try and connect to the database until a button is clicked and script runs telling the form to connect to the database. I also do not want the pop-up warning to ask the user if he/she wants to let the form connect until after the form has the button clicked. Is there a way to prevent the pop-up asking each user if they want the form to connect to the database when I don't want it to?
As Day Light Save started, our Form app is not working!!
Currently we are in USA - EST time zone
By using the below JS I'am able to determne the local time zone, we are getting our zone as EST from the below JS until last week. well.
util.printd("HH:MM:SS Z",new Date(),true).substring(9)
But, today we are getting it as EDT!!
Pls. let me know the correct JS snippet, wherein irrespective of Day Light Saving we must get see/get as EST, I mean, in all seaons we want the JS's outcome as EST only
Pls. help us in this regard
Thank you
Calculate group subtotal in repeatable table with drop down menus
Afternoon all:
I have a dynamic form with an expanding table format. There are nine columns and one of them has a drop down list of six items, the last column is a value.
I need to subtotal the six dropdown menu items separately- preferably in FormCalc.
The grand Total works just fine.
It seems like it should be easy enough, but I'm stumped. Any help would be appreciated.
Saving data in a dropdown list connected to a database
I have created a form with a dropdown list connected to an access database. Using the form I can look up all the records in the database, however when I save my form and re-open it the form shows the first record in the database and not the record I selected.
How can I save the form and re-open with the data selected?
Urgent!! Need java script for the Drop down
Hi team ,
I have a rquirement in my company .The form should contain two basic drop downs that contain the text data,Names of Drop down : 1. Region 2. States.
In the intial state of form , three entries for the DD Region - R1, R2, R3 .Corresponding to each Region three states - like R1S1, R1S2, R1S3, R2S1 etc. so forth ..Init view -> If parent Region DD selected 'R1', it should show only corresponding states(viz. R1S1, R1S2, R3S3).
1) A check box to allow user to 'Add New 'Region'to the drow down of Regions
2) When the check is marked true, a new text box should show up where user can enter 'Region' name.
3)When the user enters, 'Region' name - he should click on 'Add Region' button to add the region to region DD. (Additional V3.2). Both the add region text box and button should show/hide simultanously- as per the values of check box above.
4)A pop message to confirm if the user want to proceed and add states to the Drop down.
5)If user selects 'Yes', then proceed to , open a field that asks no of states to be added .
6)If a valid number is entered then show those many text fields to enter the name of states.
7)After the states are entered , there will be button on right says - 'Add States' .
8)In the Step 4 , above if user selects 'No' , then do nothing
9)If all the steps above , pass- Add values in states drop down as (<Region>+<StateName >)
10) If the region is already there and user wants to add more states - post selection of the region in the region drown , show states already present and then also show button to add states - 'Add States to existing region'. If user click on that , it will again repeat with step 6.
Please suggest me how can i proceed ..
Thanks in Advance
Need help regarding text field
Hi ,
I have a text field in my form which will contains a numeric value.Based on this value i have to show those many text fields to enter the name.
I have tried this code by keeping the texfield in a sub form and try to display subform using instance manager .see the below script.
var oSubform = xfa.resolveNode("form1.Page1.Textfield");
but this code is not working.
Please help me!!
Thanks in advance
Need help with currency formatting
I use the accessiblity tool tip as a means to populate both numeric and text fields with data entry tips for users. By using initialize, enter, and exit events, the fields change from the tool tip in light grey italics to black, normal font after form user input. Several of the fields are currency fields and i have used patterns to format numeric input to $x,xxx.xx format. However, in testing the form, the user input is plain numeric, not currency.
On the exit event, i have the following code that results in user input in the field being shown in normal font, black type. I am guessing i need some format code after the font.posture = "normal" line.
if (this.isNull){
this.fontColor = "153,153,153";
this.font.posture = "italic";
this.caption.font.fill.color.value = "0,0,0";
this.caption.font.posture = "normal";
Any help would be appreciated, as i do not know how to code this.
Calculate the % of a numeric field
how to calculate the % of a numeric field ?
Thank you.
Script to count fields populated with a certain value & place that total in a numeric field
Please, I need a script to count text fields populated with a certain value chosen from a drop down menu and place that total in a numeric field. An instance is below:
Passive 2 Dropdown List Passive
Dropdown List Passive
Active 1 Dropdown List Active
I've seen similar questions and responses to this inquiry and I've tried to add the script with my values but I'm not having any luck
I am new to es3 and trying to script how to group by several categories.
I would need to group by several categories, subtotal within the main category and then total on tha main category on a repeatable form. The data is from an underlying db. Here is my scenario:
1. NO $ in AMT_TRES
2. $ in AMT_TRES
3. $ in AMT_ACCT
4. $ in both AMT_TRES and AMT_ACCT
IN_TRES: Column name to capture third group indentifier 'X'
IN_ACCT: Column name to capture thrid group indentifier 'X'
#COUNT: per Type and THIRD GROUP
(TYPE) UMD 167 $ 0.00 $ 0.00
UMD X 800 $ 18232.00 $ 0.00
UMD X 12 $ 0.00 $ 12.53
UMD X X 432 $ 9672.25 $ 1269.00
SUBTOTAL UMD 1411 $ 27904.25 $ 1281.53
RAP X 17 $ 42596.00 $ 0.00
SUBTOTAL RAP 17 $ 42596.00 $ 0.00
OTHER X 411 $ 0.00 $ 4212.50
OTHER X X 630 $ 4679.75 $ 7569.00
SUBTOTAL OTHER 1041 $ 4679.75 $ 11781.50
INTF X 72 $ 0.00 $ 5812.53
SUBTOTAL INTF 72 $ 0.00 $ 5812.53
TOTAL FOR: DITCO 2541 $ 75180.00 $ 18875.56
Button to open form
I have a form/checklist with instructions on how to complete several other forms. I would like for users to be able to click on a form name and have it open in a new window. I created buttons and used app.openDoc() with various permutations of the filename and path, but nothing seems to work. Can someone please tell me what specifically needs to be in the parentheses, or if there is a better way to do this. Thank you.
Need java script for dropdown
I have three text fields in a form and two drop downs.what ever the value that i enter in to the three text fileds need to be added to drop down under single region. Thing in my two dropdowns one drop down name if region and another one is state .based on value that is selected in region dropdown states will be populated to state drop down.
Now i want to add a new region and new state.
Adding a new region i am done with it by having a textfild and on clicking of button it will add textfiled value to region dropdown.on click event of button i have this script.
function addItems(ddl)
var dropDownItems = [];
dropDownItems.push({displayItem: NewRegion.rawValue}); //,value: BoundValue.rawValue}
for (var i = 0; i < ddl.length; i++)
dropDownItems.push({displayItem: ddl.getDisplayItem(i)}); //,value: ddl.getSaveItem(i)}
for (var i = 0; i < dropDownItems.length; i++)
var dropDownItem = dropDownItems[i];
ddl.addItem(dropDownItem.displayItem); //, dropDownItem.value
But i am not geting how to add 3 state values under the newly added region...
Please suggest ..
Thanks in advance
Using string to designate a subform for the instanceManager
var propOptSubformID = "8011"
var propSubformName = Concat("SubformPropOption",propOptSubformID,".instanceManager") //since instanceManager is object
I get:
I can't seem to find a way to use the instanceManager and successfully reference a subform using a string. Any ideas?
I want to avoid using conditional statements or switch if possible. I have 35 different subforms eachl with 0 instances. I want to identify one of the subforms using a variable (string) and make it exist. There has to be a way to do this, right?
I may have to name all the subforms the same and use an index--but I would like to avoid that, Or, I suppose I could loop through the siblings and compare my string to the subform name--but I think this might end up having the same problem. It would be really good to know how to do it with a string and the instanceManager..
PS, I also tried
var propSubformName = Concat("SubformPropOption",propOptSubformID,".instanceManager.setInst ances(1)")
and... Nothing happens? No error and no subform either?
how to add an space between each paragraph in the flow textfiled
Click checkbox, subform prints
So here I am again with a bell and whistle request.
I am not a programmer, so if someone were to help me, I'll need some hand holding.
I have a 5 page form with lots of endorsements on it. Each Endorsement starts with a checkbox. Each endorsement is in it's own subform.
I would like to see if I can arrange if someone clicks on a subform checkbox, it will print. Otherwise it will not. To save paper and sanity. I have about 13 forms like this, so in the long run it will save a lot.
So for example....
I have a Subform called
So BPFB03_CB is the checkbox.
I have a regular Print button as well.
Thanks Gretchen
Insertion point in Adobe LiveCycle Designer
I have found on the "ObjektbibiliothekinLiveCycleDesinger" an Objectwhichis called "insertion point".
Whatis it exactly?
How can I use it?
To insert other PDF's in my actually PDF ?
In the Internet,on the Adobehelp pageI onlyfound:
"An insertpoint is asubform thatacts as a placeholderfora fragment whichis insertedduring the mergeof the form inthe form.You can addone or more insertionto thebodyorto the masterpages of a form"