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Form Content structure and Formating


I have created form and on this form is a table that I have created a button to add table rows as needed. Under this I have a subform that contains needed information at the end of the table.ie signature area. What i would like it to do is as the user adds rows, when it gets to the subform the subform will move to the next page if needed and stay belwo the rows.  Also how do I get the Header information or top 4 rows of the table to repeat on the next page?


So my hierarchy is as follows






Currently what happens is as rows are added they go over the subform and onto the next page.  The subform moves to the new page but is under the table.

See screenshots.



What do I need to do to get this to work the way I want or can it even be done?


Any help would be greatly appreciated.




Message was edited by: greggory.freeman

How to use Reader Extensions - or do I need Livecycle?


I'll start with saying that I am totally new to Livecycle. I've downloaded a demo of Designer to see if it helps with some of the processes I am currently doing in Acrobat.


The only tool I really NEED from Livecycle is the ability to have the end user attach a file in Reader. This would be managers attaching supporting documents for employee evaluations.


I've found that this can be done with Read Extensions but I have no idea how to enable my form to use these or how to even start.


Where can I get a tutorial for this process OR is this more than I need to be doing JUST to have attachments enabled in Reader.



Week End Date calculates dates in table issues


Greetings All,


I'm working on a LiveCycle Designer ES4 document that has a Week Ending Date MM-DD-YYYY (which need to always be a Saturday) selected in a subform.


I need this Week End Date to then calculate and display the selected Saturday and the previous days in a seperate subform with a table. The days need to display in seperate columns below the header.




This is what I have so far:


  TopmostSubform.Page1.Requestor.WeekEndDate::exit - (FormCalc, client)

var endDate = Date2Num($,"MM-DD-YYYY")
var dayOfWeek = Num2Date(endDate, "E")

if (dayOfWeek <> 7) then   xfa.host.messageBox("Ending date must be a Saturday")   $ = null   xfa.host.setFocus("$")

Page1.#subform[1].InputTable.Row1[0].Date7 = Num2Date(endDate - 0, "DD")
Page1.#subform[1].InputTable.Row1[0].Date6 = Num2Date(endDate - 1, "DD")
Page1.#subform[1].InputTable.Row1[0].Date5 = Num2Date(endDate - 2, "DD")
Page1.#subform[1].InputTable.Row1[0].Date4 = Num2Date(endDate - 3, "DD")
Page1.#subform[1].InputTable.Row1[0].Date3 = Num2Date(endDate - 4, "DD")
Page1.#subform[1].InputTable.Row1[0].Date2 = Num2Date(endDate - 5, "DD")
Page1.#subform[1].InputTable.Row1[0].Date1 = Num2Date(endDate - 6, "DD")


However I keep getting an error on the WeekEndDate when selecting a Saturday.


Does anyone have any idea what I'm doing wrong?


Thank you for any help!


Can't hide field in repeatable subform;only hides first instance


I have a repeatable subform which has 5 fields. I have simple code in the intialize event of the page that the subform is in to hide the 2nd field, but it only occurs in the first instance but code does not work for instances other then the first one. If the subform repeats 4-5 times the field is only hidden in the first instance. I have simple code and even used instancemanager.count & occur but doesnt work here is simple code below


Apps.Fields.DateT.presence='hidden';  //adding this in Initalize event only hides first occurance of field DateT but all other occurances field shows up


if (Apps.Fields.instanceManger.count>=1)  // Same result as previous, only hides field in first occurance



Font Issue in Form created in LiveCycle Designer ES2


I have a PDF form that was created originally from Word's Acrobat conversion tool. Now I need to add functionality thru LiveCycle ES2 and have imported the form into LiveCycle.

There is a set of text running down the side which indicates it is Times New Roman (In LiveCycle). I have made the changes but have not touched this text at all.  The form is saved as a Static PDF.


When opened in Full Acrobat or Reader, the text running down the side is no longer in Times New Roman, but Myriad Pro.  I don't understand why LiveCycle is changing the font on text that I did

not edit at all. 


My Livecycle Form Properties are set to Embed Fonts.


Trying to understand what is going on with this font and any help would be appreciated as I've racked my brain all afternoon on this trying different things.


(As part of my troubleshooting process, I reviewed the original Acrobat form and in Acrobat that same text indicates the original font used for that text was Times New Roman PSMT and if you wanted to edit it, Acrobat would substitute Times New Roman. Not sure if this helps but thought I'd mention this....)





My original process above was to import the PDF into LiveCycle to Dynamic XML. The text would appear as Times New Roman but after adding functionality and saving, Livecycle continued to convert the text from Times New Roman to Myriad Pro. Embedding fonts and checking substitution list did not resolve.


After spending the day trying to get LiveCycle to save the PDF and keep the problem text in Times New Roman, I finally reimported the original Acrobat PDF form into Livecycle all over again but this time as a Fixed Page Layout, where the document gets imported as artwork and cannot be edited. I then added functionality in Livecycle and resaved. 


Message was edited by: LBarton

Why is Preview PDF greyed out only HTML available?


I can't seem to find how to change settings so I can change the preview option to PDF, can anyone help please?

Need help with IF Statement!!!


I am trying to write an IF statement using FormCalc in LiveCycle. I have cell "tpe" which captures total points. I would like to assign levels based on the number of points achieved. For example, level I = 1001-1985; level II = 851-1000; level III = 551-850; level IV = <551. I want cell "level" to show either I, II, III or IV, based on the points in cell "tpe". How can I do this? I have zero familiarity with FormCalc or scrips in general. Can someone please help me with this? Would appreciate any help!! Thanks!

Data repeats in multiple instances, please help.




I have been working for days on this form using Adobe Livecycle 9 ES2 and need some help.  I am new to LiveCycle and JavaScript, but as you'll see, I've learned a lot .


I have a repeatable subform (GoalSheet) that totals values based on a dropdown:


var len = form1.GoalSheet.Table6._Others.count;

var sum = 0.0;


if (form1.GoalSheet.Table6.First.Funding1.rawValue==1)


sum += form1.GoalSheet.Table6.First.Cost.rawValue;


for (var i = 0; i < len; i++){

if (form1.GoalSheet.Table6.resolveNode("Others[" + i + "]").fsource.rawValue==1) {

sum += form1.GoalSheet.Table6.resolveNode("Others[" + i + "]").Cost2.rawValue;



this.rawValue = sum;


This works beautifully.  However, when the user creates a second instance of GoalSheet, it doesn't work. 


Any suggestions?


A link to the form is here:  https://www.dropbox.com/s/94t48cw2ywcxpcq/4-20%20Draft_total_formcalc_pagination_safetynet %20v126.pdf


Thanks for any and all help!



Creating multiple forms, importing Excel data, and form size?


Hello all,


I am a relatively new user to the Adobe LiveCycle Designer software.  I currently have ES2 installed on my company computer.  I've been tinkering with the program and searching the community for a few weeks.  I've now decided to actively seek out help in completing my current project.  I have a couple of ideas, but I'm unsure of the program's capability.  I also have minimal coding experience.


Project Background


I am currently trying to optimize an existing form that my department uses.  This form contains 3 image fields and a 2 row by 6 column table.  We currently use this form by manually inputting data in the open form fields, then save the form, and then print the form to a flattened PDF.  We will produce this form multiple times, where each form will have different data inputted.




The following is a list of objectives I would like to achieve with this new form:


  1. The ability to import data from a .xlsx or .csv file into the table with a click of a button.  Additionally, if possible, I would like for the program to create a new form for each row of data.
  2. The ability to copy the form to create an identical form - essentially used to eliminate the redundancy of inputting certain exisitng data from the previous form.
  3. A more efficient way to compile all created forms and convert them to a flattened PDF, instead of printing to PDF for each form.
  4. An efficient way to reduce the size of a form after creating them.  When I open the form template, the file size is approximately 200 kb.  After filling in all the required fields, the form size increases to 10,000-15,000 kb.  I have turned off embedded fonts.


I know this might sound complicated, so I will gladly try and clarify if need be.  Attached is an image of our form with comments.


Example Form for Forum_print.png

Is this an old version?


I just bought Version from Adobe 2 months ago.


Is this the current version (Adobe LiveCycleDesigner ES4)?  I tried to open a sample form and it says to open it, I need a newer version.


Nowhere do I see 'es4'

Need help with table reference


I have an expandable table that uses the instance manager to permit the user to add rows to the table. The information i need in each row, however, exceeds the width of the page (contact information for a supplier).


I would like to add a second table that pulls in the supplier name from row 0, row 1, row 2, etc. in a field of this second table so i can add some pricing information about the individual supplier. What would be the syntax in thes table2 to add the user entered data from table 1??

How to add multiple attachments to a mail




I am working on the standard PDF "Root Cause investigation" (EHHSS_INC_AIF_INV_ROOTCAUSE)". There is a section to attach documents but SAP did not code anything... The user click on the 'send' button and the PDF is attached to the mail...I also need to attach to this mail all the documents that the user has selected.


I know how to send the PDF in Javascript but how do I attach other documents to the same mail?


try {


  bUI: true,

  cTo: email, //e-mail receiver

  cSubject: subject, //subject line

  cMsg: note //message of the mail


} catch(e) {



Thank you!




Columns hide, but their header reappear on subsequent pages


I am developing a form to present product quotes to my company's customers.


In some cases, we show the list price and discount.

In other cases, we don't show the list price and discount.


I've been able to null out the table column headers and hide the data by resizing column widths.

However, the column headers come back on the subsequent pages and overlap each other. The image below shows what happens on subsequent pages.



Here's my script:



//Hide Discount = X; hide listprice and discount

if (data.EnglishPage1.subform_Hidden.ZZHIDE_DISCOUNT == "X") then

          HeaderRow1.h_listprice.caption.value.#text = " "

          HeaderRow1.h_listprice.presence = "invisible"

          HeaderRow1.h_discount.caption.value.#text = " "

          HeaderRow1.h_discount.presence = "invisible"

          data.EnglishPage1.sub_Product.ProductTable.columnWidths = "0.3642in 0.6263in 3.758in 0.6045in 0.001in 0.001in 0.9375in 0.9375in"



Things I've tried:

  • Counting instances of the header row and setting the caption to nothing for each instance
  • Wrapping the header column and data cell in subforms and hiding their instances using the instanceManager


Nothing has worked.

I'm usinge LiveCycle 10.4 inside the SAP environment.


Does anyone understand why this is happening on the downstream pages? I'm almost at the point of simply not repeating the column heads on subsequent pages.

Limit TextField to specifc number of lines



First of all the limit to character number is not enough for my case. I would like to make sure that the user won't be able to enter more than 3 lines of text. In addition the field can be either filled in directly or using two other fields + button (as you can see below).

I managed to limit the amount of text that user can enter into the field by using the following two lines of codes:


this.maxH = "18mm"; //3 lines



xfa.event.change = "";


and checking those two checkboxes in the "Object/Field":

[x] Allow Multiple Lines

[x] Limit Lenght to Visible Area.


and in the "Layout" under height:
"9mm" / Expand to fit.


This works fine until I use a button that populates this field with content from another two fields:


Script in the Click event of a button:

var something = TextField2.rawValue + TextField3.rawValue;

TextField1.rawValue += something;


The above two lines "do not care" about the script of TextField1 in the Full event.

Is there a way to check if the "TextField1.rawValue += something;" will cause the TextField1 to overset the text and display an alert instead?


The LCD version i'm using is:


Many thanks for your help

Need Help adding a time delay in a script


Good Morning,


I'm doing a relatively simple script that is changing what is basically a background graphic on a part form. I need the script to trigger off a click event of a button, which will change the presence of a picture to visible, wait say 3-4 seconds, then change it to hidden and make another picture visible. Think of it like an advertisement prompt.


I'm new to LC and honestly do not know how to do the time delay. I know how to build the object presence changes on the click event and right now I just have a button that says "Continue" that the user clicks to advance to the second part of the script. Any assistance would be greatly appreciated!





Adobe LiveCycle Form Not Saving Data


I have designed dozens of Adobe LiveCycle forms and have extended rights (enable usage rights in adobe reader).  My problem is that sometimes the form is not saving the data for end users.  One of my end users even updated Adobe Reader, but still nothing is working and he is becoming increasingly frustrated.  Any other suggestions.

Does Adobe will do re-alignment for me automatically so that space will be saved/adjusted?




I have developed My_Form (around 100 fields), its using for 20 different entities, each entity has its own specific fields greyed out / editable attribute, users are using it, well.


But, now, my company saying that forem's look & feel is not good bcz of grey / editable attribute determination based on entity, hence they want to have HIDE all the greyed out (non-relevant) fields instead of greying out and keeping on the form and making the form as messy look, just for example, its as below,




















My company is lookig for a


1) Instead of grying out we need to hide so that look & feel is good


Pls. let us know


1) is this is feasible?


2) If so, I guess, I need to go with a new form with FLOW patttern, right?


3) Does FLOW patttern meets our requirement, I mean, if I hide a object (input field, Drop down, subform) via JS code does Adobe automatically adjust / shrinks space and realign the fields in a good patttern (which is our goal)?


4) Does adobe has this feature that is we programitically via JS if we hide any object does it automatically REALIGNs the objects in a readable pattern so that look & feel will be good?


5) Any suggestions pls.?


Thank you



Adobe form connecting to Outlook address book.


Hi there,


I would like to create an adobe form and have users be able to send it to anyone they like within the organization. Is it possible to have a submit button that when clicked on opens up the Outlook address book so they can choose the person they wish?


Thank you.

Companies or Individuals who will create html5 forms with ES4 ?


I work for a business who has many forms that we would like changed from PDF or word document to a dynamic Fillable PDF form with Livecycle ES4 - expandable rows, basic calculations, that sort of thing.   Nothing too advanced I don't think but still beyond me.   Livecycle is not my area of expertise and i thought instead of spending hours upon hours trying to learn the software perhaps there are people out there for a good price who would do it for us.  We need these forms to be compatible with computers as well as mobile devices.  


Do any of you happen to know of any companies or people who would be capable, trustworthy and reliable for this?  I am located in Canada (Hamilton,ON) so would prefer companies in our country but not a dealbreaker.




Can I create subforms dynamically?




I need to develop a interactive form, wherein user enters the data, its as below,


Insiance of AIF.jpg


As we saw the requirement is as below,


1) Place a push button on the form, here its just simple a + symbol


2) When user clicks it as a 1st time, a new subform / set of fields need to be added / visible to the form so that user will enter his/her 1st kid details


3) If user clicks 2nd time, then, a new 2nd subform / set of fields need to be added / visible to the user under the 1st kid details section


like that same, user can add upto 20 instances / kids details / subforms, I mean, its dynamic, user may enter zero / nothing or 3 or 5 or 10 or 20, not sure, max. limit is 20


Pls. let us know


1) is it possible?


2) If so, by chance do you know any white paper, demo, tutorial, article, sample in this perspective so atht I wil go thru it and develop?


3) Any suggestions pls.?


Thank yyou

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