I'm using this script:
form1.page17.table1.Table7.Row3.DateField6[0]::enter - (JavaScript, client)
this.fontColor = "0,0,0";
this.font.posture = "normal";
form1.page17.table1.Table7.Row3.DateField6[0]::exit - (JavaScript, client)
if (this.isNull)
this.fontColor = "153,153,153"; // a gray colour
this.font.posture = "italic";
form1.page17.table1.Table7.Row3.DateField6[0]::prePrint - (JavaScript, client)
this.format.picture.value = "";
form1.page17.table1.Table7.Row3.DateField6[0]::postPrint - (JavaScript, client)
this.format.picture.value = "";
form1.page17.table1.Table7.Row3.DateField6[0]::ready:form - (JavaScript, client)
this.format.picture.value = "null{'" + this.assist.toolTip.value + "'}";
That I gratefully found at this blog: Adding Ghost Text to LiveCycle Designer forms on the adobe.cookbooks.com web site.
I can get the ghost text to work just fine, however when I just used it in a TextField, it changes the caption to the gray italic text. What is causing this and how do I correct?