Hi all,
I need some help with a radio button and java scripting. This is the code I'm using on a button with a mouse up event using Java script run at the client
var oSubmit = this.resolveNode("$..#submit");
var cToAddr = "abc@sdf.org";
var cCCAddr = "abc@sdf.org";
var cSubLine = "Security Access Authorization";
var cBodya = "Dear Help Desk," + "\n" + "\n" +
"This email serves as my electronic approval for " + "\n" + "\n"
var cBodyb = "============ SECURITY ACCESS REQUEST DETAILS ================" + "\n" + "\n"
var cBodyc = (EffDate.length = "")
cBodyc = "Effective Date - " + EffDate.formattedValue + "\n" + "\n"
var cBodyd = (RadBut.length == "2")
cBodyd = "Status - Create New User Account" + "\n" + "\n"
var cBodye = (RadBut.length == "3")
cBodye = "Status - Add/Remove Access" + "\n" + "\n"
var cBodyf = (RadBut.length == "5")
cBodyf = "Status - Terminate" + "\n" + "\n"
var cBodyg = (RadBut.length == "1")
cBodyg = "Status - Department Transfer from " + "\n" + "\n"
var cBodyh = (RadBut.length == "4")
cBodyh = "Request to have name changed to - " + "\n" + "\n";
oSubmit.target = "mailto:" + cToAddr + "?cc=" + cCCAddr
+ "&subject=" + cSubLine
+ "&body=" + cBodya + cBodyb + cBodyc + cBodyd + cBodye + cBodyf + cBodyg + cBodyh ;
this is the test layout I'm using
No matter what I try, it always put all of the choices in the body of the email, not just the one I checked. any help would be greatly appreciated...Thanks Erick