I am new to using LiveCycle to design forms. This seems like it should be a really simple thing, but I am stuck on how to do it.
I have a Zip Code field. It is set for both Zip and Zip + 4 Display and Validation Patterns. The Validation Pattern is text{99999}|text{999999999}.
I have a script that stops the entry of alpha characters. I would also like to prevent users from entering more than 9 characters. I would think the
Limit Length: Max Chars: feature would take care of this....but it doesn't. I can't turn on the Limit Length because I get a warning that it conflicts
with my pattern. Doesn't make sense to me because my pattern has a max of 9 numbers and I want my Limit Length to have a max of 9 characters.
I know I can use the pattern validation to provide a warning error message that tells a user to enter either 5 or 9 digits, but why can't I just stop them at 9?
Any help would be appreciated.