Hi Experts,
I am developing a SAP Interactive adobe form for offline scenario. Where user is going to fill the form and submit it for processing. In this process there are various drop down lists which will be pre populated in the interface of the form. However, I do not have to display all these tables information within the form. Only certain values must be populated in a drop down list. I tried to search various discussions and tried to include a script in one of the fields exit event. as shown below
var oLen = $.dataNode.resolveNodes("IT_TYPES").length
for i=0 upto oLen+1 step 1 do
var oCode = xfa.dataWindow.record(i).IT_TYPES.DATA["+ i +"].CODE.value
var oText = xfa.datasets.dataWindow.record(i).IT_TYPES.DATA["+ i +"].KURZTEXT.value
$host.messageBox(Substr(oCode, 0,2))
if (Substr(oCode, 0,2) == $.rawValue) then
DD1.addItem(oText, oCode)
where IT_Types(table) is not placed or binded with any of the form fields or tables, But it has 20 rows . I wanted to populate the DD1 with code and text available in this table. The above script runs good for one iteration. When the counter "i" value gets increased by 1 i.e. second iteration it gives me an error. Need help in getting these values.