Hello collegues!
I've created a simple form using LiveCycle Designer, which consist of two elements Text Box and Drop-down list:
The Drop-down list is filled from XML Data:
<MyData><country/><countries><item uiname="United States" token="US"/><item uiname="Vietnam" token="SRV"/></countries><state/><US><item>California</item><item>New York</item><item>Texas</item></US><SRV><item>An Giang</item><item>Bac Giang</item><item>Bac Kan</item></SRV></MyData>
Then i distributed the form, received a response and added it into the responses base file:
Later on I tried to export the responses, but it freezes. I think it loops because I can move the progreess window, I can close the Adobe Acrobat wndow, but when I try to cancel the exporting process nothing happens:
So I have found out that the problem is in Drop-down list, filled from XML Data and whome list items is binding from XSD or XML.
I don't know what I have to do next.
The links: