Users having issue filling out form
It appears that when you first access the below form on our website, there can be a delay in the fillable boxes appearing within the form but once you move the mouse they will appear. So what is...
View ArticleAutofill calendar from start and end dates
Greetings, I need to create a form that will auto dates for a month. Our monthly payroll calendar does not always fall at the beginning and end of the month so I need the user to enter a start date...
View Articleinsert a value in a table with a multiple instanced row in a multiple...
First a little background on my problem.A part of my form is designed to show how the lamp units for our produkt should be built.There could be 0 to 4 lamp units on the product and each lamp unit can...
View ArticleTabs in LC
Hi, I'm working with LiveCycle Designer ES4 and my customer ask me for a pdf with tabs, it has to be in two languages and he want one tab for each. I'm new with this designer and I don't find anything...
View ArticleFlowing text onto a second page
I have a form where I am pasting text in a subform (occupies an entire page) a lot of text. Everything works fine when the pasted text is more then one page and I get scrolling bar at the right and a...
View Articleexpand to fit not available
I hope this can get an answer. There are no fewer than 5 other discussions open about this issue that have not gotten answers from 2010 up to January 2014. What options can disable "Expand to Fit"...
View ArticleConvert number to word
How to convert numbers to words in Javascript? In english its working fine. but when am formatting the same code for other language its not working. Need to convert numbers to words for Italian...
View ArticleLanguage conversion
Hello experts,I would like to know how I can implement language conversion in Adobe livecycle desginer. Regards,Satish S.2817303058
View Articleadd instance before existing instance
Hello all, is there a way to add a new instance of a Subform to show in a top the existing subform? the way it works now when you add a click on button to add a subform, the new subform shows under the...
View ArticlePrevent Zip File Attachments
I have an atachment interface on my form that allows the user to click a custom button labeled, "Attach New File". The script opens a browse window and the user is able to select and attach a file they...
View ArticleImport excel data in adobe livecycle table
Hello Expert, I want to implement a feature in my project wherein I should be able to browse and import an excel file into a PDF. Is this possible ?. Can you please let me know how to implement this ?....
View ArticleHow to enable forms to be able to save form filled data?
I've read that Adobe Reader XI now allows users to save data filled in forms. However, when I create a pdf file using LiveCycle, the from still says that the data cannot be saved. I'm using Designer...
View ArticleResolveNodes
I would like to write a javascript program to access all of the textfields in a document. How can I use resolveNodes(*) to do this? Doug
View ArticleNuSoap server + wsdl + pdf form
Hi, I've got a problem. I make a NuSoap server in PHP and it generates wsdl nad with SoapUI works fine. But when I want to connect this web service to pdf form in livecycle designer, it shows me only...
View ArticleImporting .ifd to Livecycle Designer ES4
Hi! I am using Windows 7, Adobe Output Designer 5.6 and Adobe Livecycle Designer ES4 v11.1 We have previously used Jetform to create forms, but are now changing to Livecycle. We have quite a few .ifd...
View ArticleTable of content behavior
I have PDF file with TOC ( table of content ) , have converted this PDF to docx through PDF generator. Here, toc links are not working as expected as in PDF. Please suggest, best way to create TOC in...
View ArticleEvents ? How I wasted a whole day
All - I would like to modify all of fields on a form background color in one script tied to a single event. The script would loop through all of the objects on a multipage form and modify the value...
View ArticleTable Headrow repeats itself improperly
Hello, THIS IS URGENT: It is been quite some time now, I am trying to sort out a problem I am facing with repeating headrow of a table. I have tried almost every forum in adobe, and a lot of google...
View ArticleAdobe LCD based form settings
Hello Experts, I am beginner in adobe form design and I have few questions . Please help me out 1. I desgined XML schema based form. When I open this form in Adobe Reader I am unable to save the filled...
View ArticleScript to check who digitally sign the doucment
I have a purchase order from that is approved by the approver digitally signing their name. Is there a script to find the last name of who signed the form so I can have the script compare it to the...
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