Expanding text fields not moving next fields down the page
I have a multi-page form with several comment boxes that I want to be expandable (if needed). I've managed to get them to expand, but the fields following the field that is expanding dynamically are...
View ArticleElapsed Days between Two Date Fields
I have two date/time objects that record the current time and date when a button is clicked (two different buttons, one for each date/time object). I would like to calculate the elapsed days in another...
View ArticleDelete Data Connection for merged record form via scripting
I have a livecycle designer form connected to a OLEDB data base (data base connection name is MailMerging). This form is required to merge multiple fields of data and then create new forms to be...
View ArticleI have downloaded Livecycle Designer trial version for Windows 7 64 bit but...
Please tell me how to install Livecycle Designer es4 trial version without putting serial key?
View ArticleTray Controll in LCD
Hello together, We want to control the several printer trays of our Canon printer in Adobe Interactive Forms but it doesn't work. What we have done:- The Canon Printer LBP6650DN has 3 Trays (Tray,...
View ArticleCan't select or edit text fields in LiveCycle Designer
Greetings! I can't seem to figure out what I'm doing wrong. I need to edit the header text in this PDF, so I tried to do that in Acrobat PRO, which said: "This form cannot be edited in Acrobat. Please...
View ArticleLivecycle Designer and Echosign
Hi All!Has anyone been able to utilize a dynamic livecycle designer form with Echosign? I have found a white paper that talks about using Echosign with Livecycle, but i am thinking that is not...
View ArticleValidate Signature field is signed
I have given up. I have checked all the different discussions on this and I can't get it to work! Here is my code. What am I doing wrong ! Please help var oDoc = event.target;var oState =...
View ArticleCan't add a texbox below a checkbox on the same subform.
I have a form with multiple subforms, each with a collection of elements on it. At the bottom of one subform (more than one actually) I have two checkboxes, "yes" and "no". Below that I have a simple...
View ArticleWhat would be the best method to build a customizable list of questions?
Hi everyone, I have a pool of questions divided into different subject groups - they are used during phone interviews. The interviewer selects only the questions he/she wants to ask before the...
View ArticleAny way to click to select an entire multi-line field?
I'm designing a form that has several fields that allow users to enter in multiple lines of text. If the user double-clicks on a word in the field, that word is selected.If they triple-click, the line...
View ArticleUnable to save/update the Adobe PDF in the H drive
Hi, I am unable to save/update the PDF which is designed by Adobe Live Cycle Designer ES3 version in any drive other than C drive or desktop. Please guide me on how to solve this problem....
View ArticleCan we achieve this cosmotic red from a JavaScript?
Hello If I set a field as REQUIRED (pic. 1) I will get a bold thick red border aroud my field (pic. 2), well. Setting a field as REQUIRED - Pic. 1 Getting below red bold thick border Pic. - 2 Pls....
View ArticleAction Builder Condition and Result not executing (value equal to a total...
Hi everyone, I almost have this working but I'm missing something. I have a numeric field that contains a grand total that is fed from four other numeric fields. I selected the grand total numeric...
View ArticleValidation problem: red and blue background make typing in field hard to...
I have a problem when validating various text fields: The red or blue background color "bubbles" for validation error make any typing the user puts in the field hard to read. It is often vertically...
View ArticleUpdating multiple text fields
I Have created a form where I want the user to enter <client name> in one text field and this updates multiple text fields! the only issue is that the <client name> is in the middle of a...
View ArticleError execution in IF checkbox is 1 then Numeric Field is 1, else 0
form1.areaCalc1.Checkbox1::enter - (Javascript, client)if (this.rawValue = 1){ xfa.resolveNode("NumericField1[2]").rawValue = 1; } else { xfa.resolveNode("NumericField1[2]").rawValue =0; I have...
View ArticleWorking with tables
Hello I am working on a form similar to the one mentioned at "Expanding Table with totals." I got everything to work except for the "Grand Total" it gives the error that the language is not the correct...
View ArticleEmail Submittal Feedback for Customer
I have designed a form with LiveCycle and the form is used to send to customers and it has a "Submit By Email" button in it. The form works great. However, when the customer clicks the "Submit By...
View ArticleDebugging a show/hide subform script in Livecycle ES2
For background, I have attempted to use the example which you can see at https://workspaces.acrobat.com/app.html#d=bOMoPw6V*nmsvHYZ*Iux3A. Note: if that page does not render correctly in your browser,...
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