Display/hide subform based on Reader version
I have a subform box that I want to appear only if the user is using Reader version less than 9, but am having trouble coming up with the JavaScript formula to make the box appear/not appear, as well...
View ArticleAdding row dynamically
I am using Livecycle Designer ES 8.2 I need to create a table with capability to add / delete rows dynamically and i should be able to parse the content on the server side using java ( iText) I managed...
View ArticleXML namespace in xml converted pdf
Hello everyone I have a problem when converting pdf's in xml. Everytime when I convert a PDF(either with Acrobat or with mailing the file as XML) in XML the date fields always in middle shows the xml...
View ArticleForm Calc error Handling:
Hi, Is there any way to implement error handling into a formcalc function? I'm using a Get function to call a file from a web server... It works if there is an internet connection but returns a...
View Articleflowing content changes page layout
I am having a large problem getting things to flow properly. I believe I have set the sub forms properly. I have them positioned. When I go to make the main page flowable the layout of the entire...
View ArticleLiveCycle preview uses PowerPDF instead of Acrobat
When I'm working in Adobe LiveCycle and click the preview tab to preview the PDF I'm working on, it launches in PowerPDF instead of Acrobat, which I wouldn't mind if it didn't take significantly longer...
View ArticleButton to delete CURRENT row of a table
This test document has a table which mostly works like I want, but the delete row buttons always delete the second row regardless of which row's delete button is clicked. The code...
View ArticleLifeCycle Designer ES2 - Does Not Recognize MS Word 2010 on PC
Help please - I am new to the product and am trying to create forms. 1) I recently upgraded to office 2010. When I launch Designer and tell it to start from a Word doc, it tell me: "Word (version XP or...
View ArticleHow to reorder / move new pages and subform instances
I have a form that has 2 functions - show a hidden page and duplicate the Page 1 and I need to reorder the pages once the user has added an instance or shown a page. I have Form A (Page 1) that can be...
View ArticleReferencing subform instances
I have a tricky issue now that I am hoping someone can help with. I have an 8 page XFA form where the first 4 pages cannot be made expandable because the recipient company has to scan them when sent in...
View Articlecreate sublist from a dropdown list
Is it possible to create a sublist from a dropdown list in livecycle designer. I have a list of departments and when others is selected it will display another sublist. I am just new here, any help...
View ArticleTyping text in fields
I just got off chat with Adobe. I have a government form I need to edit (add pages, fill out fields etc). It was created in Live Cycle and I was told I would have to edit in LC. So...how the heck do I...
View Articletime over 24hr not calculating
if (HasValue(startsamplingtime) and HasValue(endsamplingtime)) then var millisecondsPerMinute = 1000 * 60; var millisecondsPerHour = millisecondsPerMinute * 60; var interval =...
View ArticleSubform / Row Instances disordered somehow... Weird Problem!!!
Hi, I need help here, it is a major issue which is probably ADOBE's error... But I need to know if anyone has encountered this before and if there is a way around it or a way to fix it... I have a huge...
View ArticlePDF form Week ending date auto populate
i have a pdf form i am doing. it has a java script to make the week ending date populate other fields and minus a day.if (WEEK_ENDING.rawValue == null){$.rawValue =...
View Articlebinding variables to field(s)
Hi All.I created variable and I would like to binding the value of that variable to field or fields. If that is possible how it to do? Thanks.
View ArticleAccess issue: doc.importdataobject("myPDF","/c/temp/outfile.pdf");
Hi,I have a pdf created in livecycle designer es 8.2 and coded in Javascript. Currently this pdf is placed in the shared location from where users can access. When users hit the submit button then...
View ArticleDeflate Algorithm Script
Hello all,I am wondering if anyone here has attempted using a deflate algorithm in Designer. I am trying to extract XML from a PDF attachment without using openDataObject and that is the only missing...
View Articlesubtract dates and have a dropdown box that would reference to it
Hello, I need help on how to subtract dateField2 from DateField1 in a dynamic flow table.The table row would increase or decrease depending on how many entry the user wants to input. I have a table...
View ArticleAllow printing of all but one page
I have designed a complex dynamic multi-page form. The first page merely has instructions and a few fields for data input (that gets reused in various ways in subsequent pages). The form can grow...
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