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How to maintain image quality?


Hi, what happens is that when I import an image (Object Library -> Image -> click Image -> URL -> pick my image file) the image gets resiszed to a bigger size.


I mean, I design something in Illustrator, I export the work as PNG, I check the output, it looks ok. I import the image into Designer, I preview the page, and it is pixealted or blurry because of the resize. (I'm sure it is a resize problem because I compare both images and one is obviously bigger than the other, like a 20-25% I guess).


I've heard that this happens because Designer only works in 72dpi, but, is there any workaround?.



Change format of a date field to use as part of a file name.


Good afternoon!


I am using Livecycle ES3 and Adobe Professional XI


I have a livecycle form for employee evaluations.


I am saving a file based on field names.  My problem is when I use a date field as part of my file name.  I have the scripts working for the trusted function and for the button field on the form.  They are listed below.


Folder level script--


mySaveAs = app.trustPropagatorFunction(function(doc, path)

myTrustedSpecialTaskFunc = app.trustedFunction(function(doc, file_path)
     // Privileged and/or non-privileged code above
          mySaveAs(doc, file_path);


Button script




this, "/c/myfiles/" + ReviewPeriodTo.rawValue+ "-" + Div.rawValue + "-" + EVALTTYPE.rawValue + "-" + LASTNAME.rawValue + "-" + FIRSTNAME.rawValue +




My problem is the ReviewPeriodTo.rawValue.  When I enter the data into the form and don't enter a value for ReviewPeriodTo field, the file is saved with the values from the other fields, and a null is inserted where the date field would go.


When I type in a value such as 2014-03-15 in the ReviewPeriodTo field along with values in the other fields, it works.



When I try to put a value in such as 3/15/2014 in the ReviewPeriodTo field, I receive the following error.


RaiseError: The file may be read-only, or another user may have it open. Please save the document with a different name or in a different folder.


===> The file may be read-only, or another user may have it open. Please save the document with a different name or in a different folder.


My problem is, this is part of a much larger process where I am importing the information from a make table query from MS Access that is exported to Excel.  If I could just format the field data automatically to the yyyy-mm-dd forma from that t, that would work, but I do not know how to do coding in MS Access. 


How can I format the data that is input into the form to be the yyyy-mm-dd format?


I have tried changing the display and data format through livecycle patterns for the field, but that is not working.


Any assistance would be greatly appreciated!


Thank you

Checkbox with javascript unexpectedly unchecks other checkboxs




I have a checkbox called applicant_isemailaddress which has onchange javascript


if (this.rawValue) {Page1.doYouEmail.presence = "visible";Page1.applicant_allEmailAddresses.presence = "visible";}else {Page1.doYouEmail.presence = "hidden";Page1.applicant_allEmailAddresses.presence = "hidden";};


when checkbox applicant_isemailaddress goes to the "on" state, then two other checkboxs on the page get unchecked.


they are called applicant_isMaleSex and applicant_isFemaleSex, I've tried changing the names to no benefit.


removing the above javascript fixes the behaviour


whats the trick??





Having problem in visible/hidden


I am using same script under two subform section 1 and section 2. When click on button under section1, this script is working well, but section 2 not working.


Again if I click on the button section 2, it is working well, but section 1 not working then. Each section withstand other section. I have seen presence action get corrupted.


var sec = xfa.resolveNodes("images.thumb[*]");


for(var i=0; i<sec.length; i++)


    if(sec.item(i).thum.rawValue == null)


        if (event.target.importDataObject("name"))


            var attachmentObject = event.target.getDataObject("name");

            var filetype = attachmentObject.path.substring(attachmentObject.path.lastIndexOf("." ) + 1);

            if (filetype === "jpg" || filetype === "JPEG" || filetype === "png" || filetype === "bmp" || filetype === "JPG")


                var imageStream = event.target.getDataObjectContents("name");

                var imageStreamEncoded = Net.streamEncode(imageStream, "base64");

                sec.item(i).presence = "visible";

                sec.item(i).thum.rawValue = util.stringFromStream(imageStreamEncoded);



            else {app.alert("Please insert correct format image");}


        else { break outer;} //if cancel




What should I do now?

Button to save as reader enabled


Good evening!


I have a form that I am automatically saving with a button.  However, I will have to go into each form and save as reader-enabled.  It is for evaluation forms--so does not exceed the EULA. 


Is there a way to save as reader extended with a script?


Or--is there a way to save as other where the dialog box will pop up to be able to select the Reader Extended?


I would like the dialog to open in the same file path that the open file is currently saved in.


I am using Livecycle Designer ES3 with Adobe Acrobat Professional XI.  The form was created in Livecycle Designer.


Any help would be greatly appreciated!


Thank you

URGENT !!!!!!!How to Dynamically add values to dropdownlist using text fields


Hi ,


i have a form with two dropdown lists named as Region and State which have a valuse added dynamically to these two dropdowns using java script.

the values in first Drop down R1,R2,R3 and in second dropdown based on the value selected in the first drop down values will populate .

for example: in first dropdown if R1 is selected : in second dropdown R1S1,R1S2,R1S3 values will populate

if  in first dropdown if R2 is selected : In second dropdown R2S1,R2S2,R2S3...etc


And i have check box which will ask user to add more regions to Region dropdown by checking it will display one text filed to enter  region value  and a button which has a java script on click event which will add this text filed value to Region dropdown. And a dialog box will appear if user want to add  new states  for the newly added region .If 'yes' another text filed will appear asking how many states want to add if user enters '1' then one text filed will appear ;if users enters 2 then two text fileds will appear.


Now i need java script which will work in this way : What ever the values i enetr in state textfileds those value need to add to state dropdown with respect to the newly added region..


for example :

Newly entered Region : R4

then if user want to add 2 states for this region the values in text filed could be R4S1,R4S2

And if in region dropdown R4 is selected then in second dropdown(i e State dropdown ) the above values should populate.


Please help me how can i achieve this and let me know if form need to be attached for reference .....




Thanks in advance

G Akhila.

How to automatically add file name to email subject line


I just upgraded from Adobe Acrobat Pro 9 to Adobe Acrobat XI Pro.

During the install, I uninstalled (of course) Adobe 9 and with it also went Live Cycle Designer.


I designed a pdf in Live Cycle Designer that I use to email from the pdf as an attachment.  Previously, when I emailed the pdf designed in livecycle via outlook, the subject line of the email automatically filled with the file name. With Adobe Acrobat Pro XI, this no longer happens.


Is there a setting that allows me to automatically fill the subject line of the pdf with the file name (or some way for me to set the subject line automaticallly) from the pdf?  Most of my emailed pdf forms go to the same person, but because of volume it is too tedious to type the subject each time.


Thank you for your consideration!


P.S. I had originally posted this at http://forums.adobe.com/message/6216706#6216706, however it was suggested that I move this to Live Cycle.

Defualt printer name as Adobe PDF




Need help in printing the Adobe LiveCycle PDF in Adobe PDF defualt.


We have requrement, when user clicks on print buttonm by default printer name should be as Adobe PDF and when user clicks on Ok it should print in PDF istead of hard copy.


Is is possible ?


Thank you,


Using a button on *click to initialize calculation


What I am trying to do is take my button named CALC and when I click CALC I want it to add Field1, Field2 and Field3 together and output the sum to FieldTotal. I know I need to have this done in click for button but I am not sure how to write the javascript for this. Any help is appreciated!!

I can't set the minimum height for a flowed subform


I have a subform, sfQ, that holds four items, tfInitials, cbQ, tfTypeCheck (hidden), and tfQ1. tfQ1 is a text field that allows multiple lines. All four start with a height of .3125in. When I set the subform to flowed, the items move to "top to bottom" order, and the subform changes height to .9375 (as I would expect). When I change the subform back to "Western text", the subform's height does not shrink back to .3125in. I would expect it to shrink back down since the subform does not need to be so large when the lines are running left-to-right.


If I select the subform and go to the layout pallette, then type in the height I want, it reverts back to .9375in.


If I click and drag the sizing box in the design view, it expands back to it's larger size.


If I remove all but one field and change the subform to flowed, it still goes back to .9375!


If I go to the docReady event for the subform and set the height with this.h = ".3125in"; the subform will not expand when the text field tfQ1 receives a long value (two or more lines).


Any ideas about getting around this?

Text Field repeating at Page Break in Interactive Adobe form in Webdynpro Java


I have requirement in which Text field containing 'Rich Text' data has a huge data coming at runtime. It is displaying correctly without any scrollbars on a single page .Now the problem is when data exceeds to next page ,text field repeats it with first line and also adds scrollbar to text field.

I have set text field properties like Allow Page Break,Allow multiple lines ,Height Auto fit.

Also The Text field is in flowed Subform ,Allow page breaks checked.

Kindly provide solution in quick time..

Is it possible to insert a column break in table text?


I have a bullet list--a Purchase Order checklist.

Each list item is fairly short, so I designed the checklist with a two column format.


I have implemented this in my LiveCycle form by breaking the checklist into two blocks of source text, each mapped to a table cell.


However, my customer is unhappy with the idea of their text being broken into two pieces as it will display in their web UI as two pieces and they think this will be confusing. (Customers. Go figure.)


Is there a character I can insert in the text to force a break so the text will flow to the next column in the table? I tried using a conditional break but that did not work as I can only specify content areas, not fields.





Drop down selection to make an image field visible


I Am using a drop down list: with clients names that upon specific choice from list I want to make a image field visible.



Drop Down has:


Client A

Client B


Image 1 is above the drop down list, Image 2, Image 3 are below the Drop down list and all images are set to visibile


I would like to have CLient A chosen and picture in Image1, 2, and 3 become visible otherwise they remain invisible.


I am completely lost I have tried a number of codes and java but I am clearly doing everything wrong.


Can we start basic please?

Should I use Java or FOrmcalc

On what type of even? ...


SIde note this Drop down list is already linked to a number of other fields where it auto populates them with the following code:




    case "":
        form1.Page1.ClientPatientCoordinator.rawValue = "";
        form1.Page1.ClientPhone.rawValue = "";
        form1.Page1.ClientFax.rawValue = "";
        form1.Page1.ClientEmail.rawValue = "";


with Javascript on Exit at Client:


And is working great now thanks for everyones help...

Little lost on creating PDF form based on spreadsheet


Hi all,


Here at work, they use alot of spreadsheets set up as fill in "forms". Some have pretty complex lookup formulas of varous named ranges inside the spreadsheet.


I'm not sure what the best way to recreate similar funtionality within a PDF form. I can get the basic fields done without a problem but am lost at this point on how to translate those lookup formulas to LC.


I'm guessing this would best be done with a table bound to some database but since I'm pretty new to LC I'm a bit unsure what the best practice might be.


Any suggestions on what I can do?


Simplied Example: User selects an item from a dropdown. Then in the next cell, enters a number (lbs). The next cell does a vlookup what they select in the dropdown, and returns 3rd column and multiplies by the amount in the second cell.



When Saving reader extended pdf, instances are added.


I have a form that looks and works as expected in Adobe until I save it as a Reader Extended PDF. Once I do that the form adds instances to the subform above and beyond the defaults I have set.


The form has a repeating subform with repeating rows. The default amount of subforms is 9 and default rows is 2 for each subform. However once I save it as a Reader Extended PDF the first subform defaults to 18 rows. The subsequent 8 subforms are correctly displaying 2 rows.


Any ideas.


I can send the form if possible...

Dynamically Add to List Box (image included)


When I click the "Add Affiliation" button, I would like it to add the item number associated with that particular subform row added to the listbox below it. I calculate the item number from the index (the text field is called "txtCalcItemNumber").



This is what is in my click event for btnAddAffiliations:




(i tried the code below to add items to listbox but doesn't work)

var values = xfa.resolveNode("Page1.Affiliations.Details[" + this.parent.index + "]").txtCalcItemNumber.rawValue;




resize cell of table row


Hi All.


I would like to create table with diferent width columns in the some rows. Is it possible to resize cell of table row independent to other row? If yes. How it to do?



How do make 3 dropdown menus dependant on each other.



I am new to livecycle designer and am building a form  that has 3 dropdown menus; 1st dropdown menu has a list of options e.g. E_COM, E_ENGS and by selecting this the second menu populates E_COM 1, E_COM 2 and when an item on the second menu is selected e.g E_COM 2, the third dropdown menus is populated with a list of options.


Please can anyone help? and show me how to write these in a Switch statement or how would you advice i do about doing this?.



How to get the File/Save event




I created a form, in LifeCycle Designer, with a "Save Form" button which has validation rules in it. However, if I click the File menu and select a save method (Save, Save as, Save As Other), I can save the file and bypass the validation rules, which is not what I want.


Is there a way that I can catch the "save" event in the code behind when it is fired so that I can enforce my validation rules on the form, as I do in the "Save Form" button?




Livecycle designer ES2 regarding registration for activities at a conference.




I am creating a form for a conference and the participants can only choose each activity on offer once during the week. However each activity is offered on multiple days. I have added a dropdown list for the options on each day. What is the best code to use so that when they choose "Activity 1" on Monday, it then becomes impossible ( via an error message?) for them to select that same workshop on any other day.


Thank you for any advice.

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