I am using adobe livecycle es4 and I am trying to add a new record and then update it to an Access database. However, when i press update the error tells me that i cannot have Null values and it displays a check box field name. How can i allow a null value for a check box? Because when my form is used, not all of the check boxes will be checked
Adobe LiveCycle ES4 add new and update Access Database, Non-Null failure
Add text from textfield to repeated dropdown (file included)
I am needing to add the "Name" and "Spouse Name" to the dropdowns below. I have attempted but only the "current visible" rows populate but when I click the "+" button to add more rows, the dropdown menu does not have the names in them.
All dropdowns need to have the exact same options. And the "Default" of all dropdowns must be "Jointly Owned". I have provided the file for you to take a look at. Any help is appreciated it!
Thank YOU VERY MUCH in advance!
How to script an if/then statement with a check box and calculated form?
Any help would be much appreciated! (It's time-sensitive, as well, so the quicker the better.) I'm using Livecycle Designer 8.0.
I'm looking to script an if/then statement and apply it the the check box next to "New member". Here's what I want it to do:
- If a user checks "New member" check box, then a calculated number appears in the "New member's dues" numeric field.
- Additionally, the "New member's dues" numeric field should be calculated as a sum of "Annual dues (total)" multiplied by 0.50.)
- Moreover, is there a way to take this a step further and make the "New member's dues" numeric field AND the two check boxes ($198 minimum, $5,150 maximum) hidden unless the "New member" check box is checked?
I'm pretty familiar with the if/then javascripts, but for some reason I just can't figure this one out.
Thank you, in advance, if you can help!
How to add a string after a data binding feed?.
Hi, let say I got a field that is data driven, and I want to add something, for example, a - character after.
So, instead of showing "Field Value", it should show "Field Value -".
How can I add the "-" after the data driven value?.
(I've tried + "-" and some stuff like that without success)
Data Object - sourceSet
While following a turorial from pfdScritping I found that the data object "sourceSet" not available in script editor after entering "xfs.", a dropdown menu appears with a list of available objects but does not include sourceSet, can anyone tell me why or what I need to do.
Livecycle Es - Print form in 2 copies
I need to print a form in 2 copies. The two copies differ in some small details, such as "customer copy" and "copy bank", some fields must be placed in first copy, but not in second, ecc... All data entered from the keyboard (text field, numeric filed ec...) must be printed identically.
What is the best way to do that?
Kind Regards.
I'm new to Adobe LiveCycle and would like to create a ToC (Table of Contents) to an existing 20 page PDF. What is the best approach?
Thanks, Doug
Display issue with LiveCycle Designer ES4 for cropped PDF in WIN7
I am having issue displaying the cropped PDF file in the LiveCycle Designer ES4. The PDF files are cropped 3 inches from bottom using Adobe Acrobat 8 Professional. It used to display properly when we have a WinXP machine but once we moved to a Win7 machine, it cannot display the top part of the PDF anymore. Can anyone help on how to fix the display issue? Thanks.
Adobe LiveCycle Designer ES4 V11.0.0.2013.0303.1.892433
Adobe Acrobat 8.0.0
Win 7, LiveCycle Designer does not display properly
Win XP, LiveCycle Designer used to display properly
Converting less than symbol to < in for loop
I am trying to create a for loop inside of a javascript function by using the XML Source tab in LiveCycle. When I do this a < symbol becomes <. A <= starts causing major erros, and the text after becomes red and then blue (indicate key words).
I am wondering how do I create a for loop without these issues?
For instance the following will cause an error that will not let me leave the XML source tab:
var x;
for(x = 0; x <=5;x++)
XML Schema to generate table data from a repeating subform data
Hi All, I would like to have a check box that when checked, will hide a quotation form, and make a purchase order form visible, carrying over some of the field data from the quotation form into a new table on the Purchase order form. I've attached this form at https://workspaces.acrobat.com/?d=pqpsXx5VPi*LkMeVKrX57w if you would like to take a look. When the checkbox is unchecked, it will hid the PO form, and make the quite form visible.
The idea behind this is that my client will create his quote and send t to his customer. Once the customer accepts the quote, he can just click a button to generate his purchase order that he will send to his supplier.
It seems that because I've got buttons to add rows on the quote form that the problem is more complex. I would be able to do this myself if the table had a fixed number of rows and I was able to use global fields and naming each cell something different, but beacuse it's a single repeating subform, I can't seem to make it work at all.
I understand that because its a repeating subform that I need to create an XML schema to accomplish this, but also can't figure out for the life of me how to actually create the schema. I've been reading tons of tutorials, but no clue how to apply it to my specific need. I have only been able only find info on how to bind the data source once it's been created.
I would be forever grateful if anyone could help me out.
Thank you!
Changing a subform's presence based on drop down selection
for some reason I cannot get this subform to go visible on my form. I'm using formcalc. Here is my formula:
if (xfa.event.newText == "Round") then (form1.ProductWorksheet.ProductInformation.Product.Shape.ShapePics.Ro und.presence == "visible") elseif (xfa.event.newText <> "Round") then (form1.ProductWorksheet.ProductInformation.Product.Shape.ShapePics.Ro und.presence == "hidden") endif
I've put this formula on the "change" event on the drop down. My scripting language is set to formcalc as well. Please let me know if I'm missing something here. Thanks!
Open calendar in date field in one click
Hi, to open calendar in date field i should click two times. One click show arrow and second open calendar. I would like to do it in one click. Is that possible?
Script Checkc DB for Record ID Number
I am following an example found at PDFScripting.com and ran into a problem. I can get their script to work if my database table has at least one record. But if my database table is brand new with no records, the script fails because it looks for the value in the first record, first column. How do I modify the script to handle when there are no records? I think I need to add an else statement but can't get one to work. (It fails on their example form too)
// Walk Order DB to find highest Order Number
var nMaxID = 0;// Reset Database to first Record
var oDB = xfa.sourceSet.OrderInfo;try{ oDB.first();}catch(e){ oDB.open(); oDB.first();}// Walk through all records to find the latest Order IDwhile(!oDB.isEOF()){ if(xfa.record.OrderInfo.OrderID.value > nMaxID) nMaxID = Number(xfa.record.OrderInfo.OrderID.value); oDB.next();}
OrderID.rawValue = nMaxID + 1;
How to import data from one PDF into another
I have a 10 page document created in ES4 and need the ability to import data from two separate pdf pages into the main 10 page document. The two PDF pages are just copies out of the main document but due to work flow process, these two pages need to be filled out beforehand. I know I can use the following code to import/export data.
- xfa.host.importData();
- xfa.host.exportData();
But, when this is done it wipes out everything else already typed into the main document. Is there a way other than using XML raw data to import data into an identical page? Think of the workflow process as an assembly line where parts of the car are assembled before they are put together to create the final product. That’s how the 10 page main form works. I would just add pages but there is a lot of back end programing to automate this document so I can’t easily split it up without issues.
Copy Completed Subform
Is there a way I can use a DropDown List to allow a user to copy a completed subform and then edit the new subform. I do not want to set the fields to Global Data as this will then change every field that is the same.
The user may only want to change 20% of the information that is why I thought it would be easier to copy the complete subform and then they can amend the required fields.
Any suggestions would be appreciated.
Pop-up Notice
I have a form that connects to a database. I do not want it to connect until several other users have completed their sections. then the last user in the routing connects the form to the database and exports the data. Is there a way to prevent the pop-up warning that the form is about to connect to the database as i do not want it to connect at that point? Only connects when the last user cliks a button.
Editing the PDF form once I created it using Livecycle ES2
I can't insert, extract or delete pages from the PDF form I created using livecycle.
This option is typically available under the "TOOLS" tab but is is just greyed out.
What must I do to make these options available using a form I created in Livecycle ES2 ?
Hide all instances of text fields, instead of only first instance?
Hi All, Been scouring looking for an answer to this, and tried several things that I haven't been able to make work for me.
I'm creating a quote form in LC Designer.
I've got buttons to add or remove instances of a subform. The subform contains 5 fields. I need to add a checkbox that will hide only 2 of the fields within the subform when checked, and when unchecked, show them again. I am able to make this work, but only for the first instance (instance 0?). How can I make this work so it hides these fields from each of the visible instances?
You can view the form at: https://workspaces.acrobat.com/?d=GVqRa5BfyIKxpkAVBxje3Q
For anyone that is feeling abitous, what I really wanted to do seems impossible, so I'm going with the above as a simpler workaround. What I really want to do is have a check box that when clicked, will hide the quotation form, and make the purchase order visible, carrying over any field data into a new table on the Purchase order form from the quote form. I've attached this form at https://workspaces.acrobat.com/?d=pqpsXx5VPi*LkMeVKrX57w
I understand that I need to create an XML schema to accomplish this, but can't figure out for the life of me how to actually create the schema. I can only find info on how to bind the data source once it's been created.
I would be forever grateful to get a hand with getting either of these forms to do what I need.
Thank you!
Decimal Field - Auto round up
I have created a Decimal Field, but the field will auto round up if there is decimal points
999999999999999.99 will auto round to 1000000000000000.00 on exit
888888888888888.88 will auto round to 888888888888888.87 on exit
anyway to stop this behavior? I need to keep the original value
Compare two dropdownlists values with each other!!!!!!
Hi ,
I have two dropdown s with some values i want to compare two dropdowns values. I have java script on the click event of the button it will compare values of drodpowns. If any redundant/duplicate value found then those values need to be deleted from the second dropdown.
function dummy()
var dd1=xfa.resolveNode(form1.Page1.State.somExpression); //path to first dropdown
var dd2 = xfa.resolveNode(form1.Page1.Dummy.somExpression); //path to second dropdown
var i =0;
var j=0;
if(State.length!= 0)//State is first dropdown
for (;i<dd1.length;i++)
dd2.deleteItem(j); //deleting the value from second dropdown.
But this function is not working properly it is taking first value of the DD1 and comapring with all the values of DD2 and coming out of the loop .There are other values in the DD1.So for that comapring is not happening.
Please help me !!!
Thanks in advance,